Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3137: Killed a Love Rival (3)

"Can't catch up, and then wait, the plane won't be able to catch up."

Han Qiqing was surprised, "Aunt Li, isn't Sister Lin Yuan's plane today? Hasn't she left yet?"

Besides, Aunt Li said that Lin Yuan was waiting for her brother?

What do you mean?

Han Yali was obviously in a hurry, and before she could explain, she pulled Han Yuexiu upstairs.

Han Qiqing frowned, and quickly followed.

"Aunt Li, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

As Han Yali walked, she explained, "Yuanyuan, this silly child, is really stubborn. The time for the plane is almost up. She just refuses to go to the airport. She has to wait for you to return. Ah, that ’s not what she meant, she just wanted to see you again. Hey, Yuanyuan is really obsessed with you. "

After finishing the last sentence, he also looked at Han Yuexiu with anticipation, as if to say, I hope he can give Lin Yuan a chance.

Han Qiqing's face sank.

Han Yuexiu immediately walked.

He had a cold face, and Shen Sheng said to Han Yali, "Aunt Li, I said it, I can't tell her."

Han Yali sighed, "I know, I know, isn't she going to leave? You can see her and talk to her individually. For the others, I won't force you. Tell her well. Let her put you down. Actually, Yuanyuan also has many people chasing her, but after she went to college, she has always been secretly in love with you and rejected many boys' pursuit. "

Han Qiqing followed silently.

Han Yuexiu looked at her unhappy and wanted to hold her hand to make her happy.

But with Aunt Li, he had to give up.

Entered the room where Lin Yuan lived.

I saw that the luggage had been packed, Lin Yuan sat on the bed, bowed her head and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

As soon as Han Yali entered the door, she called her, "Yuanyuan, the more repair comes back, hurry up, you should hurry up, the plane will not wait for you, and if you don't go to the airport, you will really miss the plane."

In fact, even if you can't catch the flight, you can postpone it.

However, Han Yali is also worried about the night long dreams, and it is rare for Lin Yuan to want to open it herself. If she stays and falls into the trap, what should Han Yuexiu do?

Han Yali doesn't want her to be sad.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuan suddenly raised her head and saw Han Yuexiu's figure, her dim eyes suddenly became glorious.


Han Yuexiu did not go to her side, but turned his head and looked at Han Qiqing beside him.

Han Qiqing pursed her lips.

Although she was reluctant, when Lin Yuan was about to leave and didn't rob her brother, she was one less love rival.

She secretly nodded to Han Yue.

Only then did Han Yuexiu move to Lin Yuan and said softly, "You should go to the airport."

Lin Yuan paused and looked at him criedly.

Just leave it alone.

This is a bit catchy, right?

Although she had persuaded her to die, but such things as the heart did not mean to die.

However, she did know that she had no hope and really decided to let go of her crush.

Lin Yuan reluctantly smiled and said to Han Yuexiu, "Senior, can I take a picture with you as a souvenir?"

She explained, "I don't mean anything else, just ... want to remember."

Keep this in mind, a secret love that she will never forget in her life.

He wouldn't know, because she liked him, she always tried to make herself better.

He wouldn't know, because she liked him, she went to every place where he stayed at school, took photos, and imagined him.

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