Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3142: Brother, tap (4)

Han Yuexiu said softly, "I have come in already."

He knew she was taking a bath and waited.

Han Qiqing asked, "It won't be when I finish eating, will you stop eating?"

She didn't eat without appetite.

If he doesn't eat much, he will soon be hungry.

Han Yuexiu did not answer her. When she saw that she was about to get up, she put her hands on her back and held her.

"Don't get up."

Han Qiqing was puzzled, "Why?"

"Lying," he said, his big hand touching her cervical spine.

Han Qiqing's body vibrated sensitively, as if he had been touched by electricity.


What is he doing?

Han Qiqing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Don't touch it ..."

Han Yuexiu's low voice with a smile, "I'm massaging you."

He seemed to be indecent to her.

Of course, Han Qiqing knew that he was massaging her seriously, and he did not transgress.


As long as she thought it was his hand and touched her body, she couldn't calm down!

He pushed his fingers slightly.

Han Qiqing gritted his teeth, holding back the cooing that almost leaked.

At this time, he asked her, "Are you comfortable?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

How does this make her answer?


I always feel that answering this way will make the atmosphere even more ambiguous!

He asked again, "Uncomfortable?"

Han Qiqing shook his head.

His hand strength was very clever, pinching in her sore place, very comfortable.

He just pinched it twice, then moved away and pinched another place.

Han Qiqing frowned, and finally couldn't help talking.

"Just that place ..."

Because of the embarrassment, the voice was a bit low. He didn't seem to hear it and didn't pinch back to the position he had just.

Han Qiqing was depressed and had to raise his voice to remind him.

"Just that place ... was more comfortable."

This time, he heard it.


"A little in the middle."

He quickly pinpointed the place, and Han Qiqing narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Right right right here!

"Don't make dinner for so many people next time," he said.

In this sentence, Han Qiqing always felt a painful taste.

She smiled and said, "It's okay, everyone is happy, it's a rare Chinese New Year."

Han Yuexiu didn't speak again.

What did Han Qiqing think of suddenly? He glanced at the door panel and asked him softly, "Have you locked the door?"

He answered, "No."

Han Qiqing was a little worried. "What if someone happens to come in and see us like this?"

They are not afraid of others, they are so clever, it is their parents who come in.

Although he only massaged her, he did nothing extraordinary.

But this ambiguous atmosphere, the two were in bed again, always felt that their parents would see it.

He said quietly, "It's okay."

If you lock the door, it is easier to guess.

After hearing what he said, she thought he had any good excuses and let go of her worry.

She suddenly remembered Li Yizhen sending her photos, hesitating to tell him better.

At this time, the phone rang.

Before Han Qiqing reacted, Han Yuexiu on her reached out and brought her mobile phone to her.

Han Qiqing saw the caller ID.

It's Li Yizhen.

Because she had no notes, Han Yuexiu might not know it was her.

What Han Qiqing thought of, a hint of slyness flashed in his eyes.

She answered the phone.

"Oh, you don't want to meet me, are you afraid ..."

Without waiting for Li Yizhen to finish, Han Qiqing deliberately issued ambiguous cooing, "Brother, please ..."

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