Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3157: Need special services? (3)

If she changed to normal, Han Qiqing would promise her.

After all, my cousin will leave tomorrow, and the two usually have less chance to meet.

But today is the case.

Han Qiqing hesitated and wondered how to refuse his cousin.

Just make an excuse.

"Sorry cousin, I have an appointment with a friend today."

My cousin looked regretful and said with a sigh, "So ... next time, when I have time, I will invite you to go shopping on the weekend."

Han Qiqing nodded, "Yeah."

Cousin wanted to go into the room to chat with her.

In order to lie, Han Qiqing said he wanted to change clothes and was ready to go out.

My cousin had to give up.

After Han Qiqing closed the door, she felt depressed.

Sure enough, I can't lie.

If you tell a lie, you have to go round.

Han Qiqing had no choice but to change clothes while thinking about something.

After changing clothes and getting the bag, she really went downstairs and asked the housekeeper to arrange a car for her.

Han Yuexiu appeared from behind, and said quietly, "Where are you going? I'll take you."

Han Qiqing snorted and refused, "No need."

He said so, but he was waiting in his heart to continue coaxing her.

Han Qiqing deliberately ignored him and went out.

She was secretly happy to hear the footsteps he followed.

Do you know how nervous she is?

If she knew she was angry and didn't coax her, then she was really disappointed in him.

Fortunately, although he is an iceberg, he is not wood.

Han Qiqing stood outside waiting for the car, looking around, just not looking at him.

After a while, the car arranged by the housekeeper came over.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door for her respectfully.

Han Qiqing raised his chin and was about to get on the car.

Suddenly, a big hand clasped her arm and pulled her strongly to the other side.

"Take my car."

Han Yuexiu said softly, but he could not refuse, and shoved her into his car.

Han Qiqing has a small face, but smiles at the corners of his mouth.

She left the beginning and still didn't look at him.

Han Yue got into the car and asked her, "Where?"

Han Qiqing didn't speak.

Han Yuexiu suddenly leaned over, causing her heartbeat to beat for a short time.

It turned out to help her fasten her seat belt.

The distance was a little closer, and she could smell his breath, and the inexplicable fluctuations.

It was just that he was closer, and she was fascinated by him.

How deep she likes him, she doesn't even know it.

But what about him?

Han Qiqing didn't hold back and glanced at him.

Han Yuexiu touched her head and said softly, "Take you to play, don't be angry."

Han Qiqing was angry with him, "Who said to go out with you? I have an appointment with someone, so I am not going out with you."

Han Yuexiu laughed, apparently knowing she was lying.

Han Qiqing was angry and picked up her phone.

"I tell you, I just have a WeChat, many handsome guys are rushing to date me. Do you believe it? If you don't believe me, I will ...

Han Yuexiu's big hand covers her mobile phone.

"I believe."

He didn't want her to actually date another guy.

Han Qiqing retracted his hand, "Don't touch me, I'm still angry."

Han Yuexiu released her, sat back, and started the car.

Han Qiqing's heart was a little depressed.

Don't touch you, don't touch it, so obedient ...

Han Yuexiu drove the car out of the door of Han's old house.

"Going to Gaming City?" He asked.

Han Qiqing was so happy that he thought what she thought.

But she deliberately contradicted, "No."

He continued to ask, "Watch a movie?"

She said with a small face, "No."

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