Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3162: Want a deeper **** (4)

"Hey, little ... I'm already in the hotel, no need, I just live here, I won't go to your side, tomorrow? I look at the situation and call you then ..."

When she finished talking with Xiaoxiao, Han Yuexiu came in with a bag and put it beside the bed.

"your clothes."

He put down and went out.

Han Qiqing lay down in bed in despair.

She tried everything, but still couldn't seduce him.

She felt like she was failing.

Too bad!

The night gradually deepened.

When they flew to country M, it was already very late.

Han Qiqing was afraid he would not enter the bedroom, so he had to put on his pajamas.

Going out and looking, he found that he was lying on the sofa, eyes closed, as if resting.

Han Qiqing hurriedly walked over.

Han Yuexiu felt someone approaching, and just opened his eyes, a petite dark shadow had rushed at him, sitting across him.

"Han Yuexiu!"

She called his name angrily.

Han Yue fixed her eyes.

Han Qiqing is so angry. Is he going to sleep in the living room?

"You ... do you just want to stay with me ..." she said with grievances.

Han Yuexiu answered quickly, "Of course not."

Han Qiqing struck him with a small fist, and resentfully said, "Do you know that I am waiting for you in the room? You are sleeping here ... Are you so afraid to sleep with me? You do n’t want to, you do n’t want to, you are like this ... ... as if I forced you. "

He said, "No."

Han Qiqing was mad at hearing his answer. He wanted to try again, but it was unnecessary.

"Forget it, sleep wherever you want to sleep. I don't care about you, you don't care about me."

Talking, she was ready to go.

Han Yue's eyes turned, and he reached out and grabbed her hand to keep her away.

"You're angry?"

Han Qiqing shouted at him, "Yeah! I'm angry, I'm angry! If you don't want to sleep with me, then forget it, I'll open a new room, as you wish, okay?"

In fact, she was a little embarrassed.

Does he think she really is so open?

When she took the initiative, she felt embarrassed.

But she still gritted her teeth.

What is she for?

Don't you just want to be with him!

She worked so hard and wanted to go further and strengthen the relationship between the two.

But what about him?

Keep pushing her away ...

She knew that he didn't want her, but just thought she was still young and shouldn't do this.

Is he going to wait for her to be eighteen?

But she didn't want to wait!

Although the two had confirmed their intentions, there was always a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

She wasn't smart enough, so she could only think of this stupid method to deepen the bond between the two, so that he could love her a little more, so that no matter what problems they encountered in the future, the two could walk firmly.

She always felt that he didn't touch her, perhaps leaving room for it.

Looking at her wet eyes, Han Yuexiu knew she was sad.

His heart trembled, remembering the look she had sadly said before she wanted to give up on him.

Han Qiqing wants to break his hand.

But he suddenly pulled her over and pressed her to the sofa.

He held her, asking in a dumb voice, "Do you really want to?"

Han Qiqing first stung and then nodded strongly.

He asked, "Don't regret it?"

Han Qiqing shook his head.

Han Yuexiu looked at her with deep eyes, and finally seemed to be compromised, sighed, and then pinched her chin with her long fingers, and lowered her head to kiss her.

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