Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3173: Are you so afraid of me? (1)

Hearing that Han Qiqing froze.

She glanced at Yin Shaojie a little, then turned away again, her expression strange.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked Yin Shaojie, "What are you asking?"

She didn't realize the meaning behind this sentence at first.

Han Qiqing stunned aside.

Yin Shaojiu looked around the entire presidential suite and explained to Mu Xiaoxiao, "This suite has only one bedroom, and the toilet has traces of two people using it."

That said, it's clear that this room has more than one person.

One is Han Qiqing, and who is the other?

Mu Xiaotong got through a little, blinked, and asked Han Qiqing, "Who do you live with?"

Han Qiqing was totally awkward and a little panicked.

She did not expect that she would be seen by Yin Shaojie.

So ... how should she answer?

Han Qiqing lowered his head and whispered, "My brother ..."

"Your brother? Do you live here with your brother?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to understand at first, after all, Han Yuexiu was Qi Qing's brother, and they lived in the same room.


It seems a bit wrong!

Mu Xiaoxiao asked Qi Qing, "If there is only one bedroom, how do you sleep? Does your brother sleep on the sofa?"

What she did not understand was why not book an extra room?

Is there no room in this hotel?

She can only think of this possibility.

Otherwise, I really can't figure out why Qi Qing lives in a room with her brother.

Even if the two are brothers and sisters, but her brother is a mature man, Qi Qing is also a big girl, and living together, isn't it great? It is also very inconvenient.

Unlike Xiaoxiao, after getting an answer, Yin Shaoji understood it.

He directly pointed out, "You don't let Xiaoxiao bring me here, do you want to tell her about this?"

Han Qiqing is a little awkward.

"This ... Yeah, Yin Shaojie, are you too great?"

So you can see it?

Even if it was Shi Jun, it was because she had said some hints before that that he could guess it.

And Yin Shaojie, just entered the room, he could see it.

This person's eyesight is too terrible!

Listening to the conversation between the two, Mu Xiaoxiao frowned.

"What? What are you talking about? Yin Shaojie, how did you know what Qi Qing was going to tell me?"

Why didn't she understand what they were saying?

What's wrong with Qiqing's brother?

Yin Shaoxian lowered his chin and said Qi Qing, "You let her tell you."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Han Qiqing.

Han Qiqing was a little nervous, her hands were tangled, she looked at Xiaoxiao, and her language was organized in her head.

"This ... I want to tell you what happened to me and my brother ... \ '

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "What happened to your brother?"

Han Qiqing grinned and said, "It's ... that, I have someone I like, it's ... my brother, we're together."

At first Mu Xiaoxiao was curious. She has someone she likes. When she hears the last sentence, she is stunned.

"Ah? What? Qi Qing, what are you talking about?"

Han Qiqing poked his finger, "It's ... I and my brother are in a good relationship, we are together."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't digest the news.

"You said ... you and your brother? Is that the one I know, your brother? Or do you have another brother or something you recognize?"

The news was so powerful that Mu Xiaoxiao really had some indigestion.

Brother Qi Qing said, wouldn't she be the one she thought?

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