Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3177: People who are not related to the Han family (1)

Admiring Han Qiqing's distraught expression on his face, Li Yizhen twitched his lips in a good mood.

She strode along, walking up to the sofa, as if she were the hostess here, and sat down.

She looked around the room.

It is indeed the presidential suite of a six-star hotel, which is really upscale and luxurious.

Although Li Yizhen's family is also good, she is still far from the Han family, so she rarely has the opportunity to live in such a good hotel room.

Han Qiqing, however, can enjoy it all.

Li Yichen's eyes gloomed down.

Hum, why can you enjoy this!

Soon, you will lose it all!

It took a while before Han Qiqing adjusted her emotions, but she was still shaking with the report hand.

She looked up and found that Li Yizhen, a woman who did not consider herself a guest at all, had sat on the sofa without permission.

Han Qiqing walked over to her and tore the DNA report in front of her.

She yelled at Li Yizhen and said, "You want to lie to me with that report. Do you think I will believe it?"

The report was brought by Li Yizhen, and there is a high chance that he has fiddled with it.

So she won't believe it.

Li Yizhen was not upset to see her tearing the report. She also smiled and said, "I already knew that you would not believe me easily, but I can tell you that this report is true and I haven't touched it. If you do n’t believe it, you can make another copy yourself. "

Han Qiqing took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Don't be beaten by her.

Li Yizhen's words cannot be believed.

No matter what she said, she couldn't believe it, it was all fake!

Yes, it must be fake!

Han Qiqing is very confused now and doesn't want to have any entanglement with her.

She pointed to the door and said to Li Yizhen, "Well, I have read the fake report you gave me. You are not welcome here, please leave."

Li Yizhen did not move, but laughed, laughing loudly.

"Seeing the results of this report, are you scared?"

Han Qiqing worked hard to keep himself calm.

But her heart was still flustered and uncomfortable.

She told herself over and over again that this was fake, not true.

However, Li Yizhen's tone was too certain, and her expression was still mocking, as if all this was true, and she was enjoying Han Qiqing's reaction to learn this cruel truth.

Han Qiqing set off and found that his palms were cold.

She didn't want to admit it, she was a little shaken, and she believed a little bit about Li Yizhen.

But on the surface, she couldn't let Li Yizhen see it.

"I said, please leave, if you don't leave, I will call the security guard."

Han Qiqing had a cold face this time, and his attitude was very tough.

Before Li Yizhen responded, she went to the landline and prepared to call the hotel to ask the security guard to come and take away Li Yizhen, an uninvited guest.

Li Yizhen saw that she was real, and stood up this time.

She stunned Han Qiqing and said, "I don't know where the wild girl came from, she really treats herself as Miss Qianjin!"

Han Qiqing became angry.

"Shut up! If you think I'll be fooled by you, then you are wrong. Put away your acting skills, please get out!"

She has no intention of giving any courtesy this time.

Li Yizhen will never leave, she will let her really get out.

The greater Han Qiqing's response, the happier Li Yizhen was.

It can only be said that Han Qiqing is still too young, and the experience of emotion control is not at home. The true emotions are still written on his face.

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