Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3204: Are you so anxious? (4)

Han Yuexiu pecked her little mouth and whispered, "No."

Han Qiqing raised his toes, wrapped his hands around his neck, and shy and moist eyes stared at him, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up ... eat me!"

Han Yuexiu smiled and pinched her neck.

"Girls want to hold on a bit."

Han Qiqing pursed his lips and said, "Just don't. If I hold on, we won't be together."

He wouldn't take the initiative if she didn't take the initiative first.

Then the two of them will not play.

Girls can be reserved, but not everything.

There is nothing shameful in pursuing what you love and want.

It is wrong to miss the desire in your heart because of restraint.

She doesn't think that boys should be active and girls should be passive.

Both men and women are independent individuals, as long as they do not touch the bottom line of morality, anything can be done on their own initiative.

If you don't take the initiative, you can only watch others own it, and you can only confess it secretly.

She didn't want to do that.

She always believed that she should take the initiative to fight for what she wanted.

Han Yue repaired her head, and the big hand around her thin waist was lifted to her back, rubbing her palms.

He said, "You're right."

Indeed, if it weren't for her initiative, they might not be together.

Thinking of such a result, he was a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is such a brave personality.

He was very fortunate at this time that he could be loved by her.

Han Yuexiu's heart was weak for a while, and it was going to melt into water. He bowed his head and kissed her little mouth, sucking the kiss gently.

Obviously taking a bath, but unknowingly started the second round.

After helping her to rinse the foam off, he opened the shower door, reached for a bath towel, and wrapped her.

He was naked and carried her out of the bathroom.

Han Qiqing was so tired that his whole body was weak in his arms.

When he was in bed, she sighed, buried her head in the soft pillow, and just wanted to sleep there.

Han Yuexiu pulled the quilt and covered her belly.

Han Qiqing was about to sleep with her eyes closed, and felt he pulled her legs apart.

She immediately embarrassedly got up on her legs and asked him in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

He doesn't want to ...

Han Yuexiu's voice was serious, explaining, "I'll see if there is redness on the inside of the leg."

Han Qiqing grumbled, "You also know how long you've been grinding, right ..."

Thinking of his persistence, she covered her face with a quilt.

Han Yuexiu coaxed her while looking at the inside of her legs.

It is indeed a little red, but it is not better than redness.

He got up and called.

Han Qiqing's small head poked out of the blanket and squinted at him.

She asked, "Why are you calling?"

Han Yuexiu said, "Let them help buy some medicine and wipe it for you."

Han Qiqing blushed, "Then they didn't know us ..."

He chuckled. "It's nothing. Know it."

What's more, he only needed the medicine for swelling, and he didn't necessarily know it.

But what happens to a couple of men and women staying in a hotel, the hotel people are accustomed to.

Within a few minutes, the people in the hotel had already delivered the medicine. It seems that the hotel often has such requirements, so the hotel has this spare medicine.

He said, "Don't hide, come out."

"Don't!" Han Qiqing wrapped herself like a silkworm.

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