Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3212: My boyfriend is jealous (4)

Han Qiqing let out his hands innocently. "I didn't overhear. I'm standing here. I listened to it openly, right?"

George, "..."

Seems it really is.

He said, "Sorry, I shouldn't say you overhear, I should just go aside."

Because of this sentence, Han Qiqing has a little more affection for him.

She asked, "Are you leaving? Isn't the banquet just beginning?"

The main role of this kind of business banquet is to know people and find small partners for cooperation.

George's expression was boring. "I didn't want to come. I was forced to open it. This banquet was so boring."

Han Qiqing saw that he was very temperamental. He should be a family member, otherwise he would not care so much.

"Anyway, nice to meet you."

She reached out to him.

Originally, she was alone, and it was not easy to disturb her brother or anyone she didn't know. It was kind of boring. He suddenly appeared and brought her a short pleasure.

George looked at her and shook her hand with a smile. "Well, I forgive you for your unfaithful behavior."

Han Qiqing couldn't laugh or cry.

Didn't she just say one more sentence?

Think so.

George suddenly laughed. "Okay, it's funny to see you. I won't go for the time being, and talk to you for a while."

Han Qiqing smiled, "I'm really honored."

George listened to this sentence very usefully, with a narcissistic expression on his face, and a pair of blue eyes blooming with glamorous glances. She smiled and said, "For your vision, I decided to stay for another ten minutes, or , Wait to dance with you and leave you a romantic memory. "

Han Qiqing quickly shook his head. "No need."

If she danced with other men, Han Yuexiu would be jealous.

Moreover, she did not want to dance with other men.

George thought she was shy and comforted her, "You do n’t need to be shy. When I lead you to dance, all the ladies present will look at you enviously. At that moment, you can imagine yourself as a princess and enjoy it. For a moment, it was very rare to be a princess. "

Han Qiqing was touched and then rejected him.

"No thanks. My boyfriend is here too. He will be jealous when he sees me dancing with others. I'm afraid he will hit you!"

George asked, "Do you have a boyfriend? Which one?"

Han Qiqing looked in the direction of Han Yuexiu.

George looked down, but was not sure which one.

He asked, "Which one is your boyfriend?"

Han Qiqing couldn't point to Han Yuexiu and said to him, "The most handsome one."

George leaned closer to her, trying to follow her gaze and find the man she said.

"Which one?" He narrowed his eyes.

Han Qiqing glanced at him and teased, "Are you not myopia?"

George said, "How do you know?"

Han Qiqing couldn't help crying. "How can you see clearly in myopia?"

George in turn complained to her, "You're wrong, I see people I know over there."

At this time, it was not far away.

Han Yuexiu seemed to be aware of someone's sight and looked back, and saw that there was a handsome white guy standing next to Qi Qing.

At this time, he saw that the handsome guy's face was almost stuck to Han Qiqing's face.

He frowned, his eyes a bit cold.

Does this girl have any sense of defense?

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