Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 3230: Want to be friends with you forever (2)

She doesn't like to be said to be serious about friends.

This made their friendship seem shallow.

Han Qiqing thought about it and said, "Let's go to the mall. I'll buy you a watch. Didn't you like a watch from Longines before? I'll buy it for you!"

"Everyone said no more." Song Shijun waved his hand.

Han Qiqing is very persistent. "No, I forgot to bring a gift back. I will replenish this."

Nine gifts.

Song Shijun laughed, "In fact, fortunately, you didn't buy it, otherwise you bought too expensive, I will not accept it."

Han Qiqing said, "Why isn't it easy to collect? I gave it to you in the name of a friend."

Song Shijun sighed and said, "The situation is a little bad, and Mingzhe is best to protect himself."

Han Qiqing heard something and asked quickly, "Is there anything wrong in your house?"

Song Shijun said, "Not yet."

So maybe later?

I don't know if he is often with Han Yuexiu, Han Qiqing feels that his IQ is much higher.

She whispered, "Is it your opponent that has tripped you up?"

Song Shijun was surprised, "You know all this? Yes, Qi Qing, now I have a mind."

Han Qiqing gave him a white look, "When will I be out of my mind?"

Song Shijun laughed ridiculously, "When you are usually, you look out without your mind."

Han Qiqing retorted, "You don't have a brain!"

Song Shijun wants to take the opportunity to shift this topic, because there are certain things, the less she knows, the better.

This is especially true of political struggles.

These are not things that their juniors can control.

He said, "Well, I'm a bit hungry. Let's find a place to eat. If you want to compensate me, just invite me for a big meal."

Han Qiqing certainly nodded in agreement.

The big meal is a very expensive Japanese food.

Song Shijun knew that she was rich now, so she was not polite to her.

He asked, "Then you have a lot more pocket money now?"

Mentioning this, Han Qiqing braced his chin and shook his head with a sad expression, "No."

Song Shijun was surprised, "Ah? Wasn't it embarrassing when you just took the accessory card?"

Han Qiqing couldn't help crying. "That's my brother's card."

He said, "Isn't that the same?"

She said, "That's different!"

Song Shijun shrugged, saying he couldn't understand.

He said, "What are you and your brother now?"

Han Qiqing smiled stupidly, drew in his ear and said, "Tell you, we have a showdown with my parents."

Song Shijun was startled, "What then?"

Han Qiqing hid and laughed happily.

Needless to say, Song Shijun understands it, and ca n’t believe it, “Your parents agreed with you like this? No objection at all? It ’s incredible.”

Han Qiqing was puzzled. "Why is it incredible? My parents are so enlightened, it is normal to not object!"

Song Shijun laughed loudly, "I didn't know who it was before, I was so worried that my family would know what they would oppose."

Han Qiqing, "..."

In fact, she was also surprised that parents would accept it so quickly.

She could think of the most optimistic result, that is, parents reluctantly accepted the fact that they were together, but did not expect that they accepted so ... gladly?

She said, "Do you know? My brother is too good. My mother said that when we are together, there are two members missing from the family, and then my brother said that there are many, as long as I have more children with him."

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