Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 809: Dare to love his woman? (5)

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly held water, and passed it to him, encouragingly, "Water is here, drink quickly! Add some fuel!"

Haha, win another goal!

It is indeed her man!

She looked at Feng Shengyang with a smile, and she was all proud.

Feng Shengyang's face was not so good-looking. He was proud of himself, especially the things he played, and he had hardly lost. Although this time he was evenly matched, Yin Shaozhen was indeed a good opponent.

And ... looking at the two men in front of me.

Mu Yinxiao seemed to have only him in his eyes since Yin Shaojiu came in, not even looking at himself.

Feng Shengyang has never been so neglected by any girl, it can be said that it has been ignored.

Yin Shaoxian glanced at Feng Shengyang, and his mouth twitched Mu Xiao's novel, "You feed me."

Mu Xiaoxiao certainly wouldn't refuse, so he came forward to serve him and fed him water.

"Very good." Yin Shaojie patted her head with a reward.

"Be sure to win!" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes cheered him up brightly.

Yin Shaojie smiled, changed a position, attached his body, a sharp movement of the pole in his hand, a shot into the hole!

"Yeah! Win! Win!" Mu Xiaoxiao cheered and rushed to hug him.

Yin Shaojie helped her scramble bangs, and clasped her thin waist declaratively.

"Next ball, let you play."

Yin Shaoji said generously, throwing the club aside, holding Mu Xiaoxiao to the chair.

As a result of his remarks, Feng Shengyang's face turned a little blue.

let him?

He Feng Shengyang has never been let!

"I lost this game." He adjusted his expression, and said indifferently, it looked as if he wanted to fight again, and he was ashamed.

Mu Xiaoxiao said quickly, "I'm willing to bet on losing. Should you lose, shouldn't you honor your bet?"

Feng Shengyang stuck one hand in his pants pocket and kept her handsome posture and asked her, "So what do you want me to do?"

At this moment, he was truly looking at the girl in front of him.

Her spirits fluttered, and her yoyo eyes glowed with joy, which made her delicate facial features even more beautiful, making people hardly want to remove her eyes, and just wanting to look at her so quietly seemed to infect her happiness .

Mu Xiaoxiaozei smiled and said, "It's very simple, I have a few friends who are your fans, you can help me record a few videos and give them to them separately, and that's it."

Feng Shengyang didn't expect her request to be so simple, and hesitated, "That's it?"

"Yeah!" Mu Xiao nodded, smiling with a smile, as if she was particularly happy.

Feng Shengyang looked at her eyes and laughed.

Who would have thought that the legendary Miss Mu family would have been satisfied with such a simple request.

He nodded and said, "Okay, then you tell me their names, and I record them one by one."

"Thank you then!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and her eyes were bent.

Feng Shengyang asked, "Are they your best sisters? If you want, you can ask them out, and I can sit with them."

You know, with his personality, how many rich women are asking him to accompany a meal at a high price, he never agrees.

Let him be so honored and noble, she was the first.

"No, they are not in the country, so it is not convenient." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and waved his hand and refused.

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