Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 812: Want her to coax him (2)

Especially creatures like girls have vanity. If you say that you are not as good as your rivals, the girl ’s heart will of course be biased there.

The two men exchanged a look.

Feng Shengyang motioned to one of them to come and set the ball, and said to them, "Okay, you can go out."

"Well, there is less wind."

They retreated.

Outside the door.

"What kind of trick are you playing with this little wind?" After seeing so many people, this little wind is the most unpredictable.

"Who knows, but if you think about it, there are so few winds, and which woman have you seen him take seriously? The sweeter the words, the more he is playing."

"Indeed, there is no way we can guess at the thought of less wind."


the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao got into Yin Shao's car and thought it was going back to school. Who knows not, but instead it is more like going back to the apartment.

"Aren't you going back to school?" She turned to ask him.

Yin Shaoyi gave her a profound look, "What do you do back to school? Don't you like skipping classes? Then I will skip class with you, so you don't have to find another man to skip class."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, "I really didn't want to skip class this time ..."

Although she didn't want to run, she didn't really want to skip class at first. She was forced to do well!

"Oh, I don't know how to explain it to you. I feel that things are inexplicable. Didn't I say that I encountered Feng Shengyang in the equipment room? He was taken away by his nose and took him to the place where he skipped class And then ... I was pulled down by him, met his fans again, and then ... "

She didn't want him to misunderstand, so she explained the whole process as much as possible and let him understand that she was really innocent.

When the light was red, Yin Shaojie supported the steering wheel with one hand, turned her head to look at her, reached out and squeezed her cheek, and then asked, "Then you just get on his car, aren't you afraid he will sell you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was funny, "How is that possible! I know he is not a bad person."

"You know?" Yin Shaoyan's eyes narrowed. "Don't you say that you only discovered his true identity when you got in the car? Then how do you know he's not a bad guy?"

Besides, will the bad guy write on the face that he is a bad guy?

Mu Xiao nodded his lips a little, thought for a while, and said, "What's the matter, that's kind of intuition. I don't think he's a bad person and won't hurt me. Otherwise, how could I walk with a stranger casually? What about? "

Yin Shaojie greeted her displeasedly, "Don't tell me, you are all like this in the United States."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and raised his eyes, as if thinking of something.

"It seems to be ... I have some friends who I haven't met, and then I've become good friends. Don't worry, my instincts are accurate!"

"Just not!" Yin Shaoyi really wanted to pinch her little head.

"Oh, don't treat me as a three-year-old. I also know how to distinguish between good and bad people."

The green light is off. Before driving, Yin Shaoxuan also glared at her, "So you think that Feng Shengyang is a good person?"

In his opinion, that Feng Shengyang was a little weird and looked nothing like a good person.

"Yes, at least he is not a bad person." Mu Xiaoxiao said with a shrug.

Yin Shaoji said to her helplessly, "Even if you don't think the other person is a bad person, you can't just walk with strangers, do you know I'm worried?"

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