Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 817: No formal breakup (1)

"Like a dog?" Yin Shaojie was not very happy when he heard this.

How dare she say he looks like a dog?

Is there a dog as handsome as he is in the world?

Yin Shaojie meant to punish, seeing that she refused to pick up her fish, she directly put the fish in her mouth, and then her thin lips blocked her small mouth.

"Hey-eh!" Mu Xiaoxiao was fed straight, with a mouth full of fish. Although the fish was not so fishy after processing, it still made her feel weird.

"Why are you picking fish!" Mu Xiaoxiao was forced to swallow the fish and glared at him, his hands clenched into fists and his chest.

"Anyway, what do you want to eat? No, it should be your turn to feed me now."

"Don't feed it like this."

"Then how do you want to feed?"

The two had a lot of fun in the box. Yin Shaojie didn't really want to do anything to her here, after all, it was outside, and he didn't want to be interrupted like he just did.

Mu Xiaoxiao shoved him. "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I will continue to eat."

Talking, he jumped off his thigh and prepared to return to his place.

"Just sit here." Yin Shaojie didn't want to let her go and took her little hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao also sat in the position beside him.

At this time, Yin Shaoyun's mobile phone aside rang and the screen turned on, and a new text message appeared on the screen.

Yin Shaoxi took a subconscious glance. The sender did not have a note, but he remembered who the number was.

It's Su Lin's.

The text of the message reads ...

Yin Shaoxuan frowned slightly, just then, another text message came in.

He reached out, put the phone in his pocket, and stood up.

"Wait here for me, I'll go out." He touched his little head and calmed him down, explained a little, and walked out of the box.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his back in puzzlement, then turned back to continue eating his own food.

Out of the box, Yin Shaoji went to the corner and called.

A few minutes later, he returned to the box, walked to Mu Xiaoxiao, kissed her forehead and said, "I'm going to a place now, it's a little urgent. I'll spare you today, and I will teach you later in the evening. You eat here, and I'll call someone to take you back to school. "

Tell her a few words, let her go back to school not to run around, and stay with the student union building with Han Qiqing.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm and asked in confusion, "Are you going now?"

Did n’t even accompany her to eat? What's the matter?

"You eat slowly. I will check out when I go out. You will be full before you leave." Yin Shaojie didn't say much, shook her little hand, and left.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised, he didn't think much.

After waiting for Yin Shaojie to leave for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was eating happily, slowly stopped using chopsticks, and used chopsticks to pick vegetables one by one.

In fact, she wasn't full, and she was still very appetite, but Yin Shaoxing suddenly disappeared, leaving her alone, I don't know why the appetite was greatly reduced.

It may be because two people are used to eating, so when one person eats, I feel a bit lonely.

Mu Xiaoxiao rarely lacked appetite like this, and really didn't want to force himself to eat, so he simply put down his chopsticks.

At this time, the box door was knocked twice.

"Come in," she said, thinking she was a waiter.

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