Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 819: No formal breakup (3)

She's not his fan, why should she go?

And ... thinking of his popularity and her own popularity at school, wouldn't she have a sensation if she appeared with him?

With such a sensation, Yin Shaojie could not have known it.

Mu Xiaoxiao propped his chin, his thoughts drifted away casually, wondering what he was going to do? So anxious, still eating, just leave.

She thought about it, Yin Shaoyuan didn't seem to have eaten much just now, would he be hungry?

Feng Shengyang saw that she did not answer herself, and when she looked at her, she found that she was wandering.

He pursed his lips.

This girl really ignored his existence three or two times.

Mu Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone, and suddenly wanted to call Yin Shaojie, inexplicably wondering where he was now.

But he paused with his fingers and did not dial the phone.

Feng Shengyang looked at her and asked, "What's wrong? Are you arguing with you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him, "No! What are you guessing about! You eat quickly, I'm in a hurry to leave."

She wants to go back to school now.

It's better to be with this big star than to have them together with Qi Qing.

Feng Shengyang paused, feeling as if he had been rejected.

He ... was actually suspected?

I have to say, this is really a very special experience.

He is Feng Shengyang. How many girls are crazy about him. He has lived for so long, and he hasn't been abandoned like this.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to his expression, looked down at the phone, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Just then, the phone rang.

Mu Xiaoxiaoyi seemed to have the name of Yin Shaoyu in the electric display. His original expression was still dull, and it was like a firework blooming, and his smile opened.

She quickly answered the phone.


"Did you finish your meal? The driver is waiting for you outside. After you come out, just go back to school, don't go anywhere, you know?"

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to ask him where he was, but didn't want to disturb him, he hesitated and didn't ask.

Anyway, he called himself, indicating that he was thinking about her in his heart, and that was enough.

"Well, I see." She responded.

Yin Shaojie hung up after speaking.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up and said to Feng Shengyang, "Sorry, my car is here to pick me up, so I'm leaving."

Feng Shengyang moved the corner of his mouth. "So, then you go first, and I'll settle the bill."

"No, it's already settled when he left, then I'll go, bye."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say much, and greeted him and walked out of the box.

Feng Shengyang just looked at her back with deep eyes behind her.

Until, the door closed.


Mu Xiaoxiao returned to Suntech in a car and arrived at the Student Union Building.

Going to the lounge on the first floor, Han Qiqing was already inside, lying down leisurely, and waving her a greeting, "Little, where have you been? Have you eaten?"

Song Shijun was also squinting on the sofa aside, staring at the phone as if playing with the phone.

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao saw them, his mood became clear immediately.

I don't know why, when she stayed with Feng Shengyang, she always felt strange, making her uncomfortable.

She thought, maybe she didn't want Yin Shaojie to be jealous.

"I have eaten outside." Mu Xiao novel, walking to Han Qiqing's side, sitting with her.

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