Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 842: She already has a master

For the first time, Mu Xiaoxiao liked to listen to his overbearing tone. She turned around and his two little hands caught his neck.

Her watery black eyes looked at him, "Really? No matter where I want to go, will you go with me?"

"Um." Yin Shaoxuan nodded.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Let's go tomorrow!"

Yin Shao looked at her as if seeing through her, "Do you want to skip class?"

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "It's better to act! Wait for another day, and no more passion and enthusiasm, you don't know, I have worked hard to restrain myself, otherwise I would like to pass tonight!"

She is the kind of impatient, whoever wants to do something in her heart, she must act immediately, don't want to wait.

Yin Shaojie squeezed her nose, "Okay! Tomorrow tomorrow, I'll see Uncle Su tomorrow, see what he says to me, and then I'll accompany you there, right?"

"Hey, okay! Anyway, no class, so let's go early, so that we can go there for a long time, and then participate in the Water Lantern Festival in the evening, by the way, what time did Uncle Su meet with you?" Mu Xiaoxiao Hooking his neck, he looked like a cat, and the whole man rested in his arms.

Yin Shaoxi looked down at her happy expression.

Compared with just now, her eyes were full of joy and vitality at this time, and restored her former.

He likes to see her like this, rather than the small face full of negative emotions as in the afternoon.

Yin Shaojiao tightened his arms and sighed in his heart.

He vowed that he must take good care of her happiness, and let her continue to live carefree as before, and live happily every day.

"He made an appointment for noon, but I will talk to him tomorrow and change to the morning time." As he responded, he fell a gentle kiss behind her neck.

"Oh, don't make it, itching!" Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his neck with a smile.

Suddenly, Yin Shaojie laid her on the sofa, and then thin lips sucked heavily on her neck.

"What are you doing?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly.

Yin Shaojie sucked a red mark and was satisfied. He replied, "Grow strawberries."

After that, she lowered her head and sucked around her neck.

Mu Xiaoxiao reacted, and quickly broke away, screaming, "Don't make trouble! Planting strawberries in such an obvious place, how can I see people tomorrow!"

Yin Shaoyi hummed twice from his nose.

He had branded his mark on her, to make it clear to others that she already had the Lord!

Under her obstruction, Yin Shaojii only planted two strawberries.

However, two are enough.

Yin Shaojie admired his proud achievements.

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him, reached out and hit him, "You really! How do I feel, you are the strawberry control? I like to grow strawberries all day ..."

And still planting strawberries on others, regardless of her wishes, it's awful!

Yin Shaojiu went down and took her tall body against her petite body.

He smiled badly, Tian confessed shamelessly, and nodded, "Yes, I am a strawberry madman now. I not only like to grow strawberries, I also like to eat strawberries!"

"Since you don't like me to plant on my neck, I'll plant somewhere else ..." Then, he stared at her chest with gaze.

"Pervert!" Mu Xiaoxiao blushed.

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