Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 845: Not ashamed

When it comes to bets, Mu Xiaoxiao is excited.

"Sure, you'll know when you get there." Yin Shaojie held her hand, and the two walked to the porch, changed their shoes, and went out.

Yin Shaojie picked a silver Bugatti and drove out of the apartment.

On the way, Mu Xiaoxiao let him open the hood, it is really like a car on the river, blowing the night breeze, leisurely heading for Qiuyang Mountain.

But halfway through, Yin Shaojiu suddenly turned in a different direction.

Mu Xiao looked at him doubtfully, "What's wrong? Isn't that right?"

Yin Shaojie smiled, "Go buy something, wait a moment before passing by, don't worry."

"What to buy?" Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, and then watched him turn into a night market.

The car was parked in the dark side of the road, which is not easy to notice here.

Yin Shaojiu turned to look at her and said, "Let's buy something and bring it to eat, so as not to make you hungry."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying. "So many people are waiting for you. Are you taking me to buy food?"

Yin Shaoxi shrugged and smiled a little, "Let them wait."

As the protagonist of the finale, he can't be told when he will arrive, when will he arrive? Of course it's going to be a bit late, so that they are all in a hurry, and then make their debut, that's handsome enough!

"Let ’s get out of the car. You can walk slowly." Yin Shaojie got out of the car and saw her drive the door. She also walked to the co-pilot, opened her door, and pulled her out. The past was very close, and it was ten minutes away, and they couldn't wait long. "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and said, "I now find out that you are really a bad guy!"

"Hey, thank you for the compliment." Yin Shaojie was not ashamed, but also proud of it.

He took her little hand and walked into the night market.

This is the most famous night market street in City A. At this time, it is the time when there are the most people, so the whole street is full of people.

In order not to be bumped into her, Yin Shaojie walked ahead and asked her to stand behind her.

"Look what you want to eat," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, his eyes lit up, "It's so fragrant!"

She remembered coming to this night market when she was a child, but after four years in the United States, she had never been there. I did not expect such a big change.

That's right, the city is developing so fast, let alone four years, even one year has changed a lot.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but glance at Yin Shaoxing in front of him, his generous and tall back, protecting himself well behind him.

One year later ... I wonder what will happen to them both?

Things that could be imagined before, but now feel that the future cannot be imagined, and there are more possibilities.

But at least, she believes their future will be good.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and smiled.

Passing by a pancake stall, Yin Shaoxing looked back at her, "What do you want to eat? Why is there no sound?"

"It's so delicious here, I'm dazzled, my eyes just look, there's still time to talk." Mu Xiao novel, looking around, always feel that everything is delicious, I want to eat everything, The roundworm was completely awake.

She suddenly saw something and shook his hand.

"Wow! This one! The large intestine contains the small intestine. I have eaten this one, but it is delicious!"

Yin Shaojie looked at the oily stuff, her eyebrows frowned, "Is this too oily? Is it so late, can you eat so oily?"

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