Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 848: It was her fault

"Do you also hope that when you encounter this kind of thing, you are in a helpless situation where no one helps?"

The man was dumb and she was even ashamed.

The onlookers were silent because of her words, and there were some emotions in her eyes, and her expressions became different.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care what they thought. She looked at the middle-aged man and held her arms around her, saying, "Actually, you are right. She hit you and stained your clothes. She was wrong. , She should pay. "

The middle-aged man was ready to curse. Who knew he would hear her say this and couldn't help but mistake it.

Then he reacted and nodded with a smile, "Yeah! It's still this little girl who makes sense, it's her fault originally, and I don't want her to lose too much clothes, right?"

Speaking, I glanced proudly at the onlookers.

The onlookers were also aggressive, not understanding how Mu Xiao could transform the muzzle and help the man to speak.

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned at the corner of his mouth and continued, "However, your clothes ... aren't that dirty, right? Just a little stain, just wash it at home."

The middle-aged man frowned, knowing that she was going to speak for the peace of mind, so she said badly, "But this is a brand-name product! It's expensive! Who knows if I can wash it after going home? If it doesn't, What to do? When she runs away, who do I look for? Go and go, you little girl, do n’t bother. ”

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted, and said with a small chin, "I tell you, I'll manage this gossip! You-let me go! Do you hold her like this, do you want to rough her? To a girl It ’s thick, do you want to be shameless? ”

The onlookers returned to God, echoing, "Just! Shameless! If you have something, say it slowly, why should you be rough on a little girl."

"Looking at this little girl, she must have been hurt so much before crying."

"Just let go!"

"Can't let go, you! If you don't let go, you'll report to the police!"

The middle-aged man was not afraid of Mu Xiaoxiao's troubles, but who knew Mu Xiao stirred up the emotions of the onlookers, so many people confronted him together, and he could only loosely release his hand.

"I, I don't care! Anyway, if she stains my clothes, she will lose money for me! If you have to do more business, you can collect money and help her lose money!"

Someone asked, "How much is this dress for you?"

The middle-aged man raised his chin, put his mouth down and said, "Fifteen thousand!"

The crowd was uproaring, "You grab the money, you!"

"That's not good at looking at the fabric. How could it be so expensive? Did you save money on purpose?"

The middle-aged man pulled up the corner of the jacket and hummed, "This is a G brand, do you know the international famous brands? That's the price! Don't believe you can check it online, fifteen thousand is still cheap!"

Originally because of Mu Xiao's sudden shot and some dull anxiety, he returned to God and said, "One or fifteen? How can I have so much money!"

"Just fifteen thousand, not a penny!" Said the middle-aged man.

The onlookers all pointed at him and talked, but he just looked like he was out of the way, without face or skin.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly gave a stun and laughed, "Ha ha ha ha! G brand?"

She stepped forward, felt the fabric of the middle-aged man's coat, and shook her head.

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