Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 858: What a lunatic!

I'm so envious.

Such a life, I believe no one is not envious? So she's envious, right?

An An thought so bitterly.


The sports car drove up Qiuyang Mountain.

It's a bit late, so it's very dark. Although there are street lights on the mountain road, the thick night still covers the whole mountain.

"You said that we will go to Nanxiang Ancient Town tomorrow. Would you like to tell Qiqing them? They might want to go and play together. Without telling Qiqing, she might be angry." Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought this problem.

Yin Shaojie looked at the road ahead, and her slender arms controlled the steering wheel lazily. "Then you still talk to her. In her character, if you know that you will play or not tell her, she will definitely make trouble with you . "

Mu Xiaoxiao was right to think about it, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat to Qi Qing.

Sure enough, after a while, Qi Qing responded.

--I also need to go! I also need to go! What time tomorrow Shall we go together?

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at Yin Shaoji, "Sure enough, Qi Qing said he was going."

"Then talk to Shijun." They were a pair. If Song Shijun didn't go, Qi Qing would have to be alone and watch them show their love.

"Good!" Mu Xiaoxiao answered with a silver bell-like voice.

As she was about to type down, suddenly a bright light appeared in front of her, stinging her eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered her eyes with her hand, "What is it?"

Yin Shaojie was calm. "It was the opposite side."

Although his eyes were also stimulated by light, he just squinted and clenched the steering wheel in his hands.

In the next second, we saw two sports cars approaching at an extremely fast speed.

Judging by their speed, they are obviously the vehicles racing down the hill.

Generally according to this situation, when encountering a car on the mountain, the racer will slow down to ensure safety, or the two cars side by side, and wait to pass the car.

However, the car behind was at this time, but instead accelerated the throttle and wanted to overtake the car in front.

Yin Shaoxing frowned frantically.

This is dangerous!

Because the mountain road is not spacious, it is very reluctant to have three cars running side by side. If the car is hit slightly or the direction is out of control, it is likely to run out of the railing and fall off the cliff.

Yin Shaoyan tightened his eyebrows, lowered his speed, and then stuck it to the inner wall as much as possible.

At this time, the coolly modified Lamborghini car overtook it. If this is the case, because the distance is too close, it will likely collide with Yin Shao's car.

Yin Shaoyi cursed in a low voice, who drove this car? Is it crazy?

And the opponent did not slow down, and has been accelerating.

But this lunatic bet won, and the overtaken car saw the situation in danger, and finally chose to reduce the speed.

Lamborghini got out of the two cars at a very tricky angle, but only listened to the booming throttle and the wild yell of the lunatic, and he walked away.

There was a cursing from the car behind, "Damn, what a lunatic!"

Then stepped on the throttle and quickly caught up.

Yin Shaojie knew from this situation that it was impossible to catch up.

In the car, Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes wide, covered his chest, and patted himself with a bit of anxiety, "It's terrible ..."

She thought she was about to run into it!

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