Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 870: Is dead or alive (8)

What was she thinking?

Although he was just as anxious as her, but now the best and safest way is to wait for the rescue team to come, and don't act lightly.

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted his eyebrows and twisted his hands hard, "You let go!"

She stared angrily at him, gritted her teeth and said, "Let you let go and you hear me? Get out!"

Of course she knew it was dangerous, but didn't she just wait and do nothing?

No, she can't.

Although her reason also told her that the safest way is to wait for the rescue team to come, but she really could n’t. Her heart was panicked and chaotic. She was trembling with fear. She had to do something and do what she could Otherwise, she really can't stand it.

Tears dripped from her cheeks, dripping on the ground.

She sobbed and snarled, "You let me go! Who, you, who let you control me? You let go!"

"You are going to die if you go on like this!" Feng Tianqi gritted her teeth, just holding her back.

"It's also my job to find death!" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it, pulled down his hand and bite hard.

Feng Tianqi was in pain and finally had to let go.

Mu Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to sit on the grass and slide down, but because the **** is really steep, it may not even be twenty degrees, and the terrain below is not clear. She was also afraid and did not dare to go too fast.

After confirming that Feng Tianqi would not catch herself, she slowed down, holding her cell phone in one hand, illuminating the road with a flashlight, and supporting the **** with one hand, slowing herself down.

Fortunately, when she was in the United States, she often went out to play with William and participated in some outdoor sports, so she is no stranger to doing this.

Although the **** is indeed very steep, she is petite and light, but it is an advantage.

Feng Tianqi saw that she really went on like this, and there was no way to take her, she could only look at her figure worryingly.

The person next to her exclaimed, "She's gone!"

"Don't go on! It's dangerous!"

"My God, she's too brave, don't you say it's so dark now, I don't know what's going on, and the wind is still so strong. What if she gets blown? Is she stupid?"

Several wealthy children also had the same thrilling expression, anxiously annoying her to stop her.

"Hey! Don't go down! It's too dangerous! You're coming up, the rescue team is really coming soon, and I'm sure there will be nothing wrong!"

"Hurry up and find a way! Call her up, how can you let her go down? If she goes out of any way, I will kill us!"


Mu Xiaoxiao ignored their shouts at all, his face full of determination, while slowly following the road carefully, he slowly slid down.

But the **** was still too steep, the inertia of the human body was falling, her hands were too tired, and she began to feel weak.

Suddenly, without knowing what to step on, she squeaked suddenly.

The sound made the people above take a breath and thought she had fallen.

"Oh my god, is she really dead!"

"I can't take it anymore, I dare not look any further, so terrible!"

When everyone hung a heart for her, they found that Mu Xiaoxiao had stabilized her body again, and then continued to move down at a constant speed, which made everyone's hearts follow again.

Oh my god! She wants to continue?

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