Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 872: Is dead or alive (10)

Through the faint light and the banging sound, Feng Shengyang could tell that she was smashing the window with a stone.

However, she is too stupid. In addition to expensive luxury sports cars like them, in addition to strong performance and cool appearance, the most important point is quality. Other cars fall like this and hit something. The chance of survival here is also very small.

But their cars are different and the parts are of the best quality.

It would not be easy to smash the window with a stone, let alone she is a girl. That little strength can only blame.

Feng Shengyang wanted to stand up, but his head was very dizzy and dizzy. He suspected that he might have a concussion.

Moreover, his left arm was painful and he could not lift it.

So he can only lie on the air cushion, just like watching Mu Xiaoxiao outside, her every move.

After looking at it for a while, he wondered. Why was she alone?

What about the rest?

What about Feng Tianqi?

Is it ...

Feng Shengyang thought of a possibility, his pupils enlarged sharply, staring at Mu Xiaoxiao's dim figure, how petite the petite body was, howling, howling, his voice was hoarse.

He recalled that the place where he and Yin Shaojie ran into was very steep. Fortunately, it was a cliff, otherwise their lives would have been long gone.

It's just not safe here, the **** is so steep, you can roll down anytime you step on it.

She ... just climbed down alone?

Is she dead?

Feng Shengyang took a deep breath, not knowing why he suddenly smiled, his eyes looking deep at the petite figure outside.

Mu Xiaoxiao smashed to the present, the windows are still motionless.

She was really out of power and panting in a big mouth, but she didn't want to give up.

As we were about to smash again, we heard a faint voice, "Don't smash ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao took a moment and dropped the stone. The strength of both hands was almost exhausted. She had no strength to pick up the mobile phone with one hand. She could only hold the mobile phone with both hands and illuminate the interior with the lamp.

"Well, are you awake? You should answer me again!"

Sure enough, I saw the figure in the car raised his head difficultly.

A familiar, deep voice came to his ears, "I'm awake ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were wet again, tears dripping down.

She put her face on the window and said dumbly and choked, "You scared me ... wow, you know you scared me! I thought, I thought ... "

"Don't cry, I'm okay." Yin Shaoxing said inside, finally raising his hand and lowering the window.

Mu Xiaoxiao hurried to open the door, rushed up and hugged him.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhooh ..." She burst into tears, as if trying to cry out all her panic, letting him know how scared she was.

Yin Shaojie's brain hurt terribly.

But at the moment, his heart hurts even more.

She cried so much that his heart was broken.

"Don't cry, don't you cry?" He held her head, rubbed her head, and pressed her lips gently against her forehead.

Mu Xiaoxiao cried, his voice twitched, "I am so scared, I thought you were going to ... hhhhh ..."

"Is this okay? I'm really okay, don't cry, I'm so distressed to death." Yin Shaoyi recovered a little, holding her face with both hands, and her lips fell on her eyes.

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