Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 897: Applying shame (5)

"Don't you think you'll stay in it all your life? Come on out, let me see what's going on."

Yang Zixuan stood aside, all with expressions of resentment on her face.

She had known Ye Sijue for so many years, and it was the first time she saw him so patient with a woman, and ... she spoke so softly.

Yang Zixuan's eyes stared angrily at the door panel, as if to pierce the door panel.

On what basis, why can Mo Xiaomeng get special treatment from Brother Sijue?

She snorted and said to Ye Sijue, "Brother Sijue, don't be fooled by her! She doesn't have anything at all. She intentionally attracted your attention. She is too cunning! I have never seen such a heavy mind. Woman! Brother Sijue, why do you like her? "

Ye Sijue could forgive her for those ridiculous things, but if he said Mo Xiaomeng, he couldn't tolerate it.

"Yang Zixuan." He called her name coldly.

Yang Zixuan paused, and his back sweated straight up, apparently he didn't say anything else, but just called her name, but Yang Zixuan felt uneasy.

"Brother Sirius ..." She could only pretend to be innocent.

Ye Sijue held her cold and said, "You either leave now or shut up, I don't like to hear any words that hurt her, do you understand me?"

His ruthlessness made Yang Zixuan feel hurt.

However, the more he defended Mo Xiaomeng in this way, the more jealous Yang Zixuan was.

What is she going to do so he can focus on her? Is this the same maintenance and petting for her?

Yang Zixuan knew that he was serious, so he didn't dare to confront him, so he had to make a quandary for the time being.

"Well, I won't talk about her, don't you drive me away, OK?"

Ye Sijue pointed outside and said, "Go to the living room and don't hinder me here."

Yang Zixuan chuckled her cheek and walked out of the room reluctantly.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and it should be breakfast.

Ye Sijue went out and opened the door.

As soon as he turned around, he heard the opening of the bathroom door behind him.

Ye Sijue asked the waiter to put away the breakfast. After giving a tip, he asked Yang Zixuan to eat first, and he went back to the room.

Sitting on the sofa, Yang Zixuan stared at the breakfast on the table and deliberately ate everything.

If it weren't for Ye Sijue, she would like to dump all these breakfasts, so that Mo Xiaomeng can't even eat them!

When Ye Sijue returned to the room, he saw Mo Xiaomeng hiding on the sofa in the corner, not sure what he was doing.

"What's wrong?" He noticed that her hair was wet.

He clearly remembered that she had washed her hair last night.

Obviously, Mo Xiaomeng didn't expect him to come back so soon. He was startled by his voice, and then didn't know what he had encountered. He grinned in pain and gasped in his mouth.

Lord Nights frowned and walked over.

Mo Xiaomeng also hid his hands behind him without silver in three hundred and two places.

Ye Sijue was so angry and funny that he walked over to her and struck her little hand firmly.

I saw that the place where I was injured last night was cracking again, with blood on my fingers.

"How did the wound crack?" He asked.

Mo Xiaomeng was a little embarrassed, and lowered his head and whispered, "I accidentally got it ..."

Ye Sijue looked at the things on her hand, the hemostatic patches left last night, and a few pieces of paper discarded under the armrest of the sofa, all stained with blood, apparently she had just wiped the blood.

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