Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 904: He missed an appointment (2)

"When she went to school, she behaved normally. Only when she got home, her mood would change. Sometimes she smashed things at home. Later ... we felt that it was inappropriate and took her to the doctor. The doctor said she This situation is a bit serious, and it is recommended that we send her to the United States for treatment. That night, Lin Lin almost self-harmed. We were all shocked and rushed to send her to the United States. "

"Self-harm ..." Yin Shaoxin sighed.

Father Su's eyes were a little wet, and his voice was slightly choked. "In the time in the United States, it was really difficult. We thought there was no hope. I didn't expect that Lin Lin got better slowly, but sometimes, she I still say something weird, and the smile is even a little embarrassing, but we all hope that she will get better. I did n’t expect that she was really well some time ago, just like normal. "

Yin Shaojie looked at him with a smile and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Being a parent is a very difficult task.

Yin Shaojie remembered what she had investigated. If Su Lin had done all those things before, then it coincided with her crazy time in the United States.

He looked at Father Su and asked, "Then the doctor said that she could return to China after she started to improve?"

Father Su nodded. "Yeah, we were very happy at that time, thinking she was getting better. Although the doctor also said that her condition would be repetitive and it is difficult to completely recover from mental illness. In fact, the doctor did not I didn't agree to take her back to China, but Linlin kept begging us, my mother and I were soft-hearted, and said that taking her back for a while, I didn't expect to ... "

Yin Shaojiu's eyes were a little deep and unknown.

He thought that Su Lin's condition didn't actually improve, but she became smart and knew how to hide her condition. As long as she didn't go crazy, her family would believe that she was getting better, and she would agree to any request. .

Later, Su Lin planned to return to China.

As for the purpose of returning, whether it is for him or for the sake of smallness, I have to ask Su Lin to know.

Yin Shaojie feels that Su Lin's feelings for him are not so deep, but she is paranoid and mad, and if she can't get it, she must get it.

The formation of Su Lin's personality also has a lot of factors caused by her family environment. Her parents love her so much that she gives whatever she wants. Su Lin gradually feels that as long as she wants what she wants Can get.

So what she can't get, even if she doesn't do anything, she has to get it.

After saying so much, Father Su finally entered the topic.

"Shao ... I know, Uncle's request is too much, but we really can't help it, so I hope you can agree to me?" Su father looked at him expectantly and said.

Yin Shaojie didn't need to ask, and probably guessed what he wanted to say.

As if he was not allowed to refuse, Father Su said hurriedly, "We don't want you to really be with Lin Lin, but ... Would you like to pretend? Like you did before, just stay with her, let She is happy, we want to send her back to the United States to continue treatment, so you just need to help coax her and make her willing to go to the United States. "

Yin Shaojie was silent, did not agree, and did not refuse.

Su Father said with red eyes, "Although Lin Lin was raped, we can't blame you ... but you think about it, you have to take some responsibility for it, right?"

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