Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 907: He missed an appointment (5)

The Sven Man noticed her strangeness and asked tentatively, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Let's not rest, just go after it, or your mobile phone may be distributed."

Mo Xiaomeng looked at him.

Why are you so clear about the whole process?

This is weird, isn't it!

And his previous sentence, he said that he knew where the thieves were, why did he know?

But these words, Mo Xiaomeng hasn't been stupid enough to say anything, does this tell the other party, has she found something wrong?

Mo Xiaomen glanced at the sky, wrinkled his face, and pretended to be uncomfortable.

"It's been too long, I'm dizzy ... I'll let you take a break."

When she lowered her head, she glanced around with a ray of light to see if anyone could ask for help.

But terribly, she found that there were almost no people around, so she occasionally walked by one or two people, but the distance was a little far away, and even if she shouted, it seemed to have no effect.

This is how to do?

Mo Xiaomeng panicked and scolded himself for being so stupid, so he ran with a stranger to an unmanned place.

"Miss, if you are uncomfortable, otherwise I will take you to the doctor?"

The Sven man approached her.

The closer he got, the more panicked Mo Xiaomeng was.

What to do? What to do? What to do!

Suddenly, Mo Xiaomeng had no time to think, and ran away.

The Sven man seemed to have been preparing for it, and immediately caught up.

Mo Xiaomeng never noticed that he ran so fast, and Sven Man chased after him a little bit annoyed, as if he underestimated her strength.

Seeing that it was almost crowded, Sven Man gritted his teeth and rushed faster.

"Help!" Mo Xiaomeng shouted, his voice was a little dumb.

The next second, her hand was grabbed by Sven Man from behind.

"Where are you going!" The male voice sounded coldly.

Mo Xiaomen shuddered in fear, and continued to shout with his throat, "Help! Help!"

At this time, I didn't know if she was too lucky. A group of people happened to pass by, and they immediately surrounded me when they heard the help.

Mo Xiaomeng was glad that he was just wanting to ask them for help.

Who knows, Sven Man moves faster than her, and suddenly pulls her and says, "Sister, come home with me!"

As soon as the group heard these words, they thought it was a quarrel between brothers and sisters, and they wanted to go away.

Mo Xiaomeng hurriedly shouted, "I don't know him! This person has an attempt on me! I'm not his sister, he wants to abduct me! Please save me!"

Maybe it was because she looked so good, and coupled with this pitiful expression, the boys in the group could not bear it anymore, so they surrounded him.

Sven Man hurriedly said, "She is really my sister. I didn't lie to you. She wanted to run away from home and was fooled by a man. She had to go with that man with money. You can judge how I can let her What about? "

Mo Xiaomen stared in amazement.

She had never seen such a terrible person, how could he talk nonsense with his eyes open!

At this time, someone nearby advised, "Little girl, listen to your family, don't run away with the man, you will regret it later, go home with your brother."

"He's really not my brother!" Mo Xiaomeng was crying anxiously.

She looked around in panic, looking for the figure of Ye Sijue.

Where is he?

Someone found something, "Oh? Do you think this little girl is half-breed?"

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