Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 912: He missed an appointment (10)

By the end of the meal, it was already over eight o'clock, and Yin Shaojie was still missing.

Han Qiqing secretly pulled Song Shijun aside and quietly asked, "Are there any other ways you can contact Yin Shaojie? If you don't come so late, shouldn't that guy really want to put a little pigeon?"

It was an appointment to put the water lantern on, but Yin Shaojie didn't even have to come, and there wasn't a phone call, which was a bit wrong.

With Yin Shao's attention to small things, this should not be the case.

Song Shijun glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, "What do you think Xiaoxiao is doing now? How do I feel ... she seems all right?"

Han Qiqing glared at him, "Can you show up if you are unhappy? Xiaoxi doesn't want us to be unhappy too, of course I'm in my heart."

When everyone comes out to play together, you can't just make everyone feel depressed because of your own relationship, right?

Song Shijun thought and thought, "What now? What can we do?"

"Let's help Xiaoxiao get the water lanterns ready. You call back to city A and see if anyone knows Yin Shao's news. I'm afraid ... what will happen to him?" Han Qiqing said his own worry.

"Shit your crow's mouth! You are the crow's mouth!" Song Shijun stared at her.

"Then let's talk, what is he busy with, even he doesn't even care about the small agreement?" Han Qiqing felt incomprehensible.

Originally, the most important thing was to put water lanterns together, to make a wish together forever.

But now, Yin Shaojie didn't come, didn't he leave alone?

How can you put a water lamp on?

Han Qiqing suddenly lost his mood to be a water lantern.

Song Shijun sighed and said, "There is a reason why Shaoxing did everything. We are useless now, we can only wait. I think that since he promised a little, he won't miss the appointment."

Han Qiqing sneered, pointing at the time on his mobile phone and showing him, "Look at what time it is. If he is on the road now, he can come by before 12 o'clock, but he is not on the road now! If he is Come tomorrow, is it still interesting? "

Today is the last day of the Water Lantern Festival.

Song Shijun didn't know how to explain to her, "Anyway, I believe in Shao, this is the trust between brothers and brothers!"

"Go!" Han Qiqing could not tell him and kicked him.

Han Qiqing walked back to Xiao's side, watching her working as a water lantern, and doing it very seriously, she couldn't bear to bother her.

After hesitating, Han Qiqing said nothing and continued to make his own water lamp.

Because Mo Xiaomeng injured her hand last night, Ye Sijue did not let her do it, and she did two of them.

Song Shijun, holding his own water lantern, glanced left and right, boasting, "I did not expect that I was not only handsome, but also so clever!"

Han Qiqing vomited.

"I think you should write what you just said as your wish, so that you may achieve this impossible thing."

Han Qiqing said, seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao had not spoken, fearing that she was in a bad mood, she probed over and wanted to see what she was writing.

I saw, Mu Xiaoxiao wrote on the well-made water lamp: Bless Yin Shaojie good health and long life.

Han Qiqing froze, "Little, why are you ..."

Her wish was written to Yin Shaojie, not to herself.

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