Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 917: Want to give him (5)

Han Qiqing didn't know if what he said was true. I was afraid that if he misunderstood what he said, he would be disappointed again.

Song Shijun came to Mu Xiaoxiao and said to her, "Little, give me the water lamp."

Although Mu Xiaoxiao was in doubt, he gave him the water lamp. "What are you doing?"

"Help you." Song Shijun said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to get it back, "I don't need it, I'll just mention it myself."

"You won't be free in a moment." Song Shijun said pointedly.

At this time, the helicopter landed slowly not far in front of them.

The noise of the propellers was very loud, and the wind was very strong, and many people were forced to step back, and in a moment, a lot of space was vacated.

Soon, some people noticed that the helicopter was about to land.

"The plane is about to land! Let's get out of here!"

"Oh my God, how can you land here?"

"Who the **** is this? It's so decent! So handsome!"

Some people were afraid and squeezed out of the crowd and ran far.

More people are curious, and they want to know who is on the plane. How can they fly over and land in a place like a square?

Even the locals in Nanxiang Ancient Town saw this scene for the first time.

People in the shops around the square rushed out to see the excitement.

Under the attention of everyone, the helicopter landed slowly and stopped on the square. The wings did not stop and were still spinning.

Mu Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable by the rapid wind and wanted to take two steps back.

But Song Shijun instead pushed her forward.

"You stand a little ahead!" He urged.

"Why ..."

When Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, Han Qiqing clapped her hands vigorously, and then heard her yelling excitedly.

"It's Yin Shaojie! Yin Shaojie! This bastard! He finally arrived!"

Moreover, he came over in such a handsome and gorgeous way.

Han Qiqing couldn't help but gave Yin Shaoxi two thumbs up.

It's so handsome!

When he heard these three words, Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

She looked anxiously over the helicopter.

Sure enough, a long, straight figure jumped off the helicopter. He seemed to know her position and locked her figure straight.

It really is him ...

He came, he did not miss the appointment.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Yin Shaojie, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

Regardless of how uncomfortable her eyes were blown by the wind of the propeller, she drew her leg and ran towards him.

Yin Shaojie only took two steps. When he saw her running over, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and ran towards her.

The two met, and Mu Xiaoxiao rushed into his arms, clasping his hips tightly.

She said with a choked voice, "You are coming ..."

She had put down her expectations, thinking that he would not come.

But he did not expect that he would come in this way.

Yin Shaojiao tightened his arms and hugged her in his arms. His magnetic low voice in her ear said sorry, "I'm sorry, I'm late, have you been waiting for me?"

Because of his almost missed appointment, Mu Xiaoxiao has been strong and strong, hearing the last words of his, tears finally burst out.

She buried her face tightly in front of his chest, her small head shook, her voice crying slightly, "No late ..."

You're here, that's enough.


→ _ → You've been tricked by me again (watch me), and now you don't know my routine? How could Xiao Shao miss the appointment with Xiaoxiao ~~ (He dares to try!)

We will make five more chapters at zero, so you can rest assured that it will continue to be updated tomorrow, good night everyone.

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