Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 926: Want to give him (14)

Yin Shaoxu got up, and today unexpectedly did not try to entangle her as usual, but thoughtfully said, "Go wash first."

Mu Xiaoxiao got down from the sofa and wanted to get the pajamas in the luggage, but when he thought about it, his little hand retracted and ran straight into the bathroom.

She closed the door, but was not locked.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on the door panel, her face flushed a little.

She clenched her little fist and cheered herself up. "Don't be afraid. Anyway, you have to get to this point, be brave!"

She put her ears against the door panel and listened to the movement outside.

I thought Yin Shaojie would like to take a bath with her, like a bath or something like usual.

But why is he so peaceful today?

Didn't come over?

She was deliberately unlocked, just to give him a chance to break in.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about his own heart, and his heart beat faster. He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself inside.

The small face glowed with red tide of spring.

Is it too obvious for her to do this?

Actually, she didn't know what happened to her. She used to resist the last step with him, but today ... she was willing.

Suddenly she became suddenly open, and her previous worries and worries seemed to disappear suddenly.

Since the two of them already love each other so much, it is only a matter of time before the relationship occurs.

He always wanted her so much.

Thinking that he always refused him before, Mu Xiao was very sorry for being careful, he must have endured a lot of hard work?

The two slept together every day, he hugged her every day, occasionally kissing and touching.

But every time, she didn't let him do it.

In fact, sometimes when she woke up in the morning, she felt the reaction from under him, and just stabbed against her thigh.

He would hug her and kiss her, and touch her body when he went over, but in the end he could only endure it, and then went into the toilet to fix it.

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was full of apologies. I heard that if a man has tolerated for too long, it will be bad for him?

She covered her chest and calmed her beating heart.

She felt that she should be brave.

Isn't she hinting enough, so he didn't understand?

She was willing to give himself to him. Why was he so wise and clever that he couldn't understand at this time?

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, walked to the door, and pretended to be careless and said to the outside, "Oh! I forgot to bring in my pajamas. Can you ... help me? I have all my clothes off."

So he always comes over, right?

With his color and so cunning character, it is impossible not to take the opportunity to eat her tofu.

However, she waited for a while without hearing his reply.

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, "Well? Did you hear that? Are you outside?"

However, there was still no reaction outside.

Did he go out?

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyebrows and opened the door, her head out, and she searched around.

"Huh?" He raised his voice again.

There really was no one in the room, he should be out.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth and stomped her feet depressedly. Why did she go out at this time? What did he go out for?

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility, and her ears suddenly became red.

Is it ... he actually understood the hint she had just made, so now it's time to go out ... buy a condom?

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