Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 930: Want to give yourself (18)

Yin Shaojie drank his head up. Although he had taken painkillers before, it was not as effective as Song Shijun's.

Song Shijun couldn't help sighing, "You're really good. Before, you were completely like a okay person, and you couldn't see that you were hurt."

Yin Shaojie even drank the last dregs and set the cup aside.

"Sit down for a while, and your face hasn't recovered." Song Shijun said, pulling a chair over, and sitting in front of him, preparing to gossip.

"Come on, what's going on?"

Yin Shaoxian glanced at him, "That's all, I'm too lazy to explain."

Just then, another figure came in.

"What's wrong?" Ye Sijue asked.

Song Shijun pointed at Yin Shaojie, "This guy is injured, it is quite serious, he has been supporting it just now, and none of us can see it."

"Is it okay?" Ye Sijue said to Yin Shaojie.

Yin Shao nodded, "It's all right."

Song Shijun said, "He refused to say how he was injured."

Ye Sijue didn't gossip about anything like him. He went to the medicine chest and found a medicine from it.

"Don't bother him anymore, he has his own sense of mind." After speaking, Ye Sijue walked out of the room.

In fact, they have been here before, which is a secret base or something. So when Ye Sijue saw the address, he knew that he was here.

Song Shijun did not expect that Ye Sijue had just arrived and just left.

Yin Shaojie stood up and patted Song Shijun's shoulder, "Well, you should go back to sleep soon."

Song Shijun was okay, so he had to go out with him and turn and close the door.

"Then if you want to change the medicine tomorrow, call me again."

"Got it."

The two parted ways in the corridor.

Yin Shaoxing was about to walk back to the room and met Ye Sijue on the way, knowing that he was waiting for himself.

They tacitly walked into the corner of the corner.

Ye Sijue looked at him and asked, "Your other identity, are you going to keep the little one hidden?"

"Yes." Yin Shaoxu nodded deeply.

Ye Sijue groaned for a while and said, "You can't hide it forever."

When two people get together and get married in the future, they will only get closer. Such things cannot be hidden like this.

Yin Shaoyu's dark eyes looked deep into the distance, "I know, but I can't say now."

At least it is absolutely impossible now.

In fact, things like that between him and Su Lin were also related to this. He didn't want to cause a little suspicion, so he didn't tell her, not because she was afraid she would be unhappy if she knew it.

The other time a few months ago, he secretly played against the other person. No one expected that the other party was too insidious. He almost hit the road and almost revealed his true identity.

Just when Su Lin appeared, he resorted to Su Lin and deceived that person, otherwise his identity would be exposed and the consequences would be troublesome.

But he was also worried that Su Lin would have doubts about it, so during that time she tried to testify to Su Lin and promised to accompany her for a few days. In addition to letting her see that he would not like her so that she would die, on the other hand it would also transfer her Attention.

Ye Sijue looked at him and nodded, "Then you can take care of yourself, don't let little doubt you. Now all the girls say that Holmes is a girl, and there is nothing wrong with you, they can Hold on, when it comes to fear, Xiaoxiao will not doubt you, but doubt other things about you, so don't affect your feelings. "

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