Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 941: Want to Give Himself (29)

"Don't come over!"

The Sven man thought he could frighten people by showing his gun, and smiled a little smugly.

Who knows, Song Shijun sneered, saying in a contemptuous tone, "VK2? My God, these guns have been produced for a few years? I really convinced you, you are so embarrassed to take out such garbage guns Conspicuous? "

Sven man stunned and looked at the gun in his hand.

What, what is VK2? How could he know what gun this was? Just buy it! Is it amazing to have a gun?

"I warn you! Shut up and shut me up! Don't speak, don't come over! Otherwise ... I'll kill the little beauty in one shot!"

Oh shit!

Just because this little beauty is so beautiful, if he turned around, he would be able to sell for a good price, so he brought such a group of people to stop people.

Who knows, a group of them was solved by each other alone.

Who are these people?

****** is simply a monster!

Fortunately, he brought a gun wit. In front of the muzzle, he didn't believe that these people dared ...

Song Shijun didn't put his threat in his eyes at all, and said with a mockery, "Look at you who shook your hands and don't know, and thought you had Parkinson's disease!"

The Sven man cursed a series of swear words, "Shut up! Shut up and hear it! Don't think I dare not shoot!"

A group of men are not afraid of death, are they not afraid that he will hurt those women?

Sven Man really didn't believe it anymore. He was so irritated that he shot at Mo Xiaomeng.


Two shots in a row.

Mo Xiaomeng shouted "ah", hiding in fear.

However, the windshield in front of the car was not even broken, and the two shots seemed to be fired at the air.

Sven man stunned, what is the situation?

Did he buy a fake gun?

But when he fired, he obviously had obvious recoil!

"Sijue!" Song Shijun shouted, picked up a stone with the tip of his shoe, and kicked it.

The stone hit Sven's hand exactly. He was sore in pain that the gun fell from his hand.

Ye Sijue stepped forward when he heard the shout. It was a blink of an eye. The figure appeared like a ghost in front of the man, grabbing his neckline.

Only then did the Sven man know the disparity in strength, and he was so frightened, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong! Masters, I don't know Tarzan, please go around me!"

Ye Sijue's big hand dangled around his neck, his eyes were as cold as ever.

Sven's heart shuddered, and he felt a sense of horror that he was going to be killed, and his whole body burst into cold sweat.

"Don't kill me ... kekeke, don't kill me ... I really don't know what's wrong ..."

The difference in height made Sven Man forced to lift it, and he could barely lift his toes, but he was stung with insufficient oxygen, his face became red, and he was about to fart.

Just then, there was a sound of police cars.

The Sven man rejoiced, thinking he was saved.

"Cough cough, let go of me ... you let go of me! Murder is against the law!"

Ye Sijue certainly couldn't kill him. On the one hand, he didn't want to dirty his hands. On the other hand, there were three girls Mo Xiaomeng watching, and he wouldn't let them see that terrible picture.

He threw Sven Man to the ground and kicked the opponent over a meter away in one second.

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