Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 947: Want to give yourself (35)

Mu Xiaoxiao poked his shoulder with his fingers, "Here! Hard! I never saw you exercise, why is your body so good?"

"Don't poke, poke again, it's hard elsewhere." Yin Shaojie stared at her with a deep look, her low voice seemed a little more sexy.

"Where?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand his suggestion, and said angrily, "Where isn't your whole body hard? Besides the face, where else?"

Yin Shaojie bit his lower teeth. "There was a place that wasn't hard, but now you say it's a little hard."

"Where?" Mu Xiaoxiao became curious this time.

Yin Shaoji looked at her with amusement, "Don't you guess?"

Mu Xiaoxiao spit out his tongue, "Tongue? No, what else is soft and then it hardens ..."

After repeating a sentence, her face froze.

Yin Shaoji knew that she should have come to understand, Jun face with a wicked smile, grabbed her little hand, and covered some parts under him.

"Did you guess?" He said, lowering his voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to be scalded, and quickly drew his hand back, his face flushed.

"You're too erotic!"

Yin Shaoyi wrapped her in her arms with both hands, and said with a cynical look, "I only treat you as a person. If you don't, you should worry about it, right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao only felt that he was surrounded by his masculinity.

She couldn't stand the strong **** hormones and felt that her heart was about to explode.

She bent down quickly, got out from under his arm, and hurried to the bed.

But as soon as she hid in the quilt, she regretted it.

He finally shot, but she flinched. Why is she so useless!

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if he should take the initiative? Hint he can come over?

But how should she speak?

When he was tangled, he heard the footsteps of Yin Shaojiu coming.

Mu Xiao carefully rejoiced, thinking that he was going to continue what he just did, and was nervous and expectant to hold the quilt.

The next second, the quilt was pulled down, and Yin Shaoyin's voice came over his head, saying, "Don't be bored in the quilt, let's sleep first, I'll be busy."

Then, help her cover the quilt and get ready to go out.

"Where are you going ?!" Mu Xiaoxiao quickly got up and stopped him.

Yin Shaomin then remembered that the study was already occupied. He turned around and took out the laptop from the drawer of the table. Then he said to her, "I'm busy in the living room. You can rest in the room."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want him to go out, pursed his mouth and said, "You're in the room, don't go out."

"I'll make it to you," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I don't feel noisy, and it's still early, and I can't sleep."

Yin Shaojie had to agree, "OK."

He took the computer to the sofa, put the computer on the coffee table, and he was sitting on the carpet.

Mu Xiaoxiao got out of bed and was about to walk over.

Yin Shaojie didn't lift her head, she reminded, "Wear shoes."

Mu Xiaoxiao put out his tongue, put on his shoes obediently, then walked to him and sat with him on the carpet.

Then, he saw his fingers fly, typing quickly on the keyboard.

Although curious, she didn't dare to disturb him.

She raised her hand, dragged a pillow from the sofa, and hugged it in her arms, sitting silently, watching him typing on the keyboard, without knowing what he was doing.

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