Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 953: Want to give him (41)

She prefers that when the two kiss, their lips are moist and soft, and when they are tangled deeply, they will have a slimy feeling, as if they are going to melt together.

As if disturbed by her, Yin Shaojie's eyelashes moved.

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks he should be awake, is he pretending to sleep?

She deliberately tapped the tip of his nose with her finger.

"Sleeping beauty, are you awake?" She whispered.

Yin Shaojie just moved, her body turned straight, her eyes were not open, she continued to sleep.

Does he really sleep so well?

Since she fell asleep last night, she has been sinking into sleep, not knowing exactly when he slept.

Will he be very late last night, so he slept late? This time happened to be deep sleep, so I was not awakened by the alarm.

Mu Xiaoxiao shrank her neck and felt a hint of guilt. She shouldn't bother him to sleep.

I don't know about Su Lin. He wants a solution.

Mu Xiaoxiao moved back a little, and without disturbing him, looked at his handsome face like this for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, Yin Shaojiu seemed to be awake, opened his eyes slightly, and saw a pair of big eyes staring at himself.

Yin Shaojiu couldn't help but startled.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted his mouth and said, "Hey, what do you mean? Don't like to wake up and see me for the first time?"

"Of course not, but can you please ..." Don't put your face in front of him?

Her eyes were already big, and she was staring at him again at such a close distance, not to be frightened.

And when he woke up, the girl was still sleeping, so all he saw was her sleeping face.

Yin Shaojie smiled bitterly, "You are so close, of course I can't react."

When anyone woke up, their brains turned slower.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't really get angry with him, his face moved up, and he kissed his thin lips.

"Did you sleep very late last night? You slept so heavily."

She has been sleeping for a long time, staring at him, hasn't he even felt it?

Of course, Yin Shaojie couldn't say that he took the same medicine before going to bed. The medicine had some hypnotic effects, so he slept more heavily. This was also to ensure his sleep.

He reached out, pulling her into his arms as usual, and said hoarsely, "It's a little late."

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "Don't go to bed so late, staying up late is not good for your body. It's okay to get up in the morning and check the information."

"It's not just checking the information, there's something else." Yin Shaojii didn't say much about it.

There is a time difference between the United States and China. When it ’s late at night in the country, the United States is just in the daytime. He wants to direct people there to do something, so he can only stay up late.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned his face on his chest, his hands folded over his chin, "Is there any result?"

"Well, there is," Yin Shaoji said, reaching out, using her long fingers as a comb, and helping her with some messy long hair.

He said, "Everything is untrue by Su Bobo. Su Lin really was mentally disturbed because she was ... However, Su Bobo concealed one thing, maybe that he didn't think it mattered, so he didn't say it. . "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Yin Shaoyi's eyes said deeply, "Su Lin is not just mentally disordered, she also has some schizophrenia ..."

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