Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 959: Want to Give Himself (47)

His expression was so funny, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed.

Feng Shengyang glanced over, and slightly twitched his lips, expressing dissatisfaction and saying, "Funny?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded sincerely, "Oh, yes ..."

Feng Shengyang helped lift the amount, as if it was hit by this fact, and repeated with tears of laughter, "She has a mental illness? But she didn't tell me!"

"Oh!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled again and couldn't help but laughed even more exaggeratedly this time, with a rich expression on his delicate little face.

"You're stupid? How could she tell you she was mentally ill? Haven't you watched it on TV? Mental patients say that they are not mentally ill, they are normal people! No one will admit that they have mental illness!"

Feng Shengyang bit her lip, clutched her, and suddenly asked, "Are you mentally ill?"

"Of course I don't!" Mu Xiaoxiao said.

Feng Shengyang pointed at her with wide eyes, "Look, you don't admit that you have a mental illness. You just said that a mental patient would not admit that he has a mental illness."

Mu Xiaoxiao was tricked by him and waved his finger unhappyly, "You're bored!"

"You joke me first." Feng Shengyang snorted.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that he was a bit naive and couldn't help but feel funny.

Maybe boys have a naive side, right?

Just see if he will show up in front of you.

Inexplicably, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the distance with Feng Shengyang was getting closer, and he was less guarded than before.

She coughed and turned the topic back. "Can you continue the previous topic? Can you tell me what Su Lin has done before?"

"Calling you, I wanted to tell you." Feng Shengyang was very generous this time, telling her everything directly.

For example, Su Lin had arranged for a sneak shot of her and Yin Shaoyu a long time ago, and also bought her front table, Yu Zhe, and helped the woman named Han Xueer, who wanted to kill with a knife.

Feng Shengyang couldn't help but sigh, "Seriously, she is quite capable. She is in the United States, but she can manipulate people to do so many things."

After listening to his words, Mu Xiaoxiao was silent.

It turned out that all these things were the ghosts of Su Lin behind the scenes.

What makes Xiao Xiao the most unforgivable is that Su Lin used Yu Zhe's weakness! Let Yu Zhe betray her!

Mu Xiao's fist clenched furiously, "How can she do this ... Does she hate me so much!"

Feng Shengyang looked at her expression and said, "When I stayed with her, she almost scolded you, scolded you for stealing her man, what kind of scolding you ... Anyway, it's hard to hear, I think You still don't know. "

"I thought ... she hated me at most, just against me ..." Mu Xiaoxiao really couldn't imagine how Su Lin was so vicious, it was terrible!

Feng Shengyang looked at her and suddenly said, "Will you believe anything I say? It's so easy to believe others?"

Or do you believe me because it's me?

He hopes that is the answer.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned back to his eyes, shook his head and said, "Of course not! I am also discerning, okay? In fact, we had a little doubt that she had done those things, but there was no evidence."

"My testimony cannot be taken as evidence," Feng Shengyang said bluntly.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "I know, but at least, you let me confirm that she really did those things, um ..."

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