Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 962: Want to give yourself (50)

She gritted her teeth and sneered, "But ... soon, she'll disappear from this world, and disappear forever. That's great, this is great!"

"What do you mean by this?" Yin Shaoyan's jaw was tight and he looked at her sharply.

Su Lin suddenly burst into a happy smile, pointing at the inpatient building where Feng Shengyang lived, and then mysteriously, whispered, "I tell you, I only tell you one person, I let People have bombs on them, bombs, Boom—! The big bang! Mu Xiaoxiao will disappear, and then there will be no residue! "

Yin Shaoyan's eyes were cold and cold, "Are you crazy! Do you know how many people are on it?"

There are hundreds of medical staff in this entire building, let alone other inpatients.

Su Lin shrugged and smiled broadly. "I'm neurotic, don't you already know? I still want to lie to my parents, cooperate with you, send me to the United States for treatment? I tell you, I won't go to that ghost Where is it! You don't want me to go back to that ghost place again! "

Yin Shao clenched his fist and tried to soften her voice and said, "You tell me, where is the bomb? Good, you tell me."

Su Lin looked at a room in that building, which happened to be Feng Shengyang's ward.

"And Feng Shengyang ... he changed his heart, he actually likes Mu Xiaoxiao ... the things I can't get, Mu Xiaoxiao don't even think about it! I will let them die together!"

"How much time is left for the bomb? You tell me." Yin Shaojie persisted without asking about the topic.

Su Lin slowly said, "Not much time left? Five minutes? One minute? Hahaha ... Soon, this building will be in front of us, Boom-destroyed! How spectacular? Young, you Right? "

She looked at him affectionately and continued, "You see how good I am to you, I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die with Mu Xiaoxiao, so I stopped you and let you enjoy with me Are you happy about this spectacular scene? "

Yin Shao stunned her, it was obvious that she was completely crazy, maybe she did not want to suppress it, and completely released her emotions.

She was out of control, not even her ego could control her crazy personality.

But he did not expect that she could do such a terrible thing!

If she did, she installed a bomb on this hospital building ...

She has become a very dangerous person.

Such a person cannot let her continue to be "free."

Otherwise, everyone will be fine this time.

Next time?

With her madness, no one knows what terrible things she will do next time.

"Su Lin!" Yin Shaojie awakened her attention, met her eyes, and added to her voice, "Did you tell me, is there really a bomb? How much time is there for the bomb? Can you tell me?

Su Lin shook her head and said with a smile, "No! I won't tell you! Unless ... you answer me a question, seriously answer me a question."

"Okay, you ask." Yin Shao nodded.

She put her hands on her chest and looked at him expectantly and asked, "If I give myself to you, would you like me? I mean seriously, would you? You can't lie to me, you must answer honestly Me, would you want me, right? "

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