Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 975: To listen to her husband (3)

After speaking, add explanation.

——He was dug up by me from the laboratory. He seems to be doing a new experiment in retreat, so he ca n’t find anyone. So your best thing is really really something, otherwise he ’s going to get angry, that guy Fire is not ordinary terror.

Finally found the person he was looking for, Yin Shaojie was relieved, and his finger was tapping to reply.

——Okay, I really have a very important urgent matter, and urgently need his help.

——What urgent matter is it? Or, are you seriously injured? I heard that the guy who confronted you before was fond of poisoning, wouldn't you be very poisoned?

— No, it's my wife.

The opponent paused for a few seconds, sending a bunch of dots.

——You are miserable. You are actually looking for L for a woman's affairs. He will not help you! Aren't you unaware that he treats women ... In short, he will come up after a while, you can take care of it yourself. Brother, good luck.

After that, the other party went offline.

Yin Shaojie waited for less than a minute, and she saw that L was online.

--what's up?

Yin Shaoxing explained the situation on his own very briefly. Sure enough, as the man just said, when it comes to women's affairs, L is not willing to help.

-No help!

Yin Shaojie was helpless, and quickly played the emotional card, and gave him some promises.

Eventually, L loosened his mouth and said only once, there would be no next time, and then asked Yin Shaoyu to send him all the inspection reports, especially the X-ray photos.

-Give me a short time.

After saying this, L was gone.

Yin Shaojie saw that he was willing to help, so he was relieved, because L was a medical geek, and those who were on the verge of death were rescued by him. Now he is still alive, let alone a situation like Xiao Xiao, right L is totally pediatric.

Yin Shaojie was afraid Mu Muxiao would come in again, so he went out.

Mu Xiaoxiao was still rummaging in the kitchen and didn't know he was away for a while.

He walked into the kitchen, "Haven't found it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a resentful expression, "Can't find it! I've rummaged through every cabinet and asked you to help me find it, but you don't help me, it left me with nothing to eat, and people were hungry ... ... "

Yin Shaojie felt that her temper was cute, as if she had no memory loss.

He really wanted to reach out and touch her head, but held back.

Helped to flip through the cabinet and found that there were really no cookies.

"Strange ... I remember a few packets of cookies."

"You see, there isn't any! Did you lie to me?" Mu Xiaoxiao accused him, glaring at him.

Yin Shaojie smiled helplessly, "I didn't lie to you, I remember some, but ... by the way, shouldn't you have eaten secretly?"

He didn't eat it anyway.

Only two of them live in this house, so the person who committed the crime could only be her.

However, she had amnesia again, how could she still remember if she had eaten.

"I'm stealing? Don't frame yourself!" Even if Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't remember, he won't let him accuse him in turn.

"Okay, then it ’s as if it was eaten by a mouse? You bear with it, or you have some fruit, and there is still some fruit, and it will be delivered after a takeout."

Yin Shaojiu took her little hand and walked to the refrigerator.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted his mouth, unhappy, "I don't want to eat fruit ..."

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