Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 979: To listen to her husband (7)

When Yin Shaoxian's hand was about to move forward, Mu Xiaoxiao held down his hand, preventing his movement.

"What are you doing, don't ah." Her eyes looked at him moisturized, and her water eyes seemed to drip water, which could melt people into her eyes.

She felt her heart beating nearly to explode.

This never felt, she could not help panic, but there was another feeling lingering in her heart.

Yin Shaojie said honestly, "This is what we usually do. Don't be afraid, don't think of resisting it, just feel well."

Mu Xiaoxiao was shy, with watery eyes, like an ignorant kitten, which made people lovable.

She blinked and met his eyes, as if examining whether he was lying to lie to her.

Are they really like this usually?

She was full of questions, feeling as if they were real, and she seemed to be lying to her.

Yin Shaojie stepped forward and rubbed her cheeks with slender fingers, "Then how did you feel when I touched you? Disgusting?"

Mu Xiaoxiao crooked his head and thought, feeling the temperature of his palms, as if he could feel his heartbeat.

Uh ...

The same frequency as her.

"Hate?" He asked again before waiting for her answer.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "No, I don't hate it."

Yin Shaojie laughed, "Just don't hate it, do you like me, do you like me?"

He had a faint smile in his voice, but his eyes were so deep that he was like Sony Ericsson.

Mu Xiaoxiao almost sinks into his deep black eyes, where there seems to be a star, which can't help sinking into it.

The palm of her palm rested on his chest, and under his palm was his strong heartbeat.

Uh, uh ...

Jump heavy and fast.

More clear than just vaguely felt.

She suddenly realized that his heartbeat seemed to be stronger than hers.

and so……

It turned out that he wasn't as restless as the surface?

Realizing this, Mu Xiao was inexplicably rejoicing in his caution, the feeling that his chest seemed to be filled with something warm and inexplicable.

Somehow, he approached her, and the distance between the two was almost zero.

At such a close distance, his handsome face was close at hand, with a tall nose, **** thin lips, and those affectionate black eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a strange sense of familiarity.

Suddenly, it seemed as if everything he said was true, and she should believe him.

"Um." She nodded softly.

Yin Shaojie chuckled and liked to touch her, holding her cheek with a big hand and pulling her towards herself.

"So, do you like it? Right?" Yin Shaoyi's voice seemed to hang on the corner of his mouth with a magical power that could be deceptive, and brought out a bit of evil charm.

His appearance at this time was almost sexy.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he was about to be killed by him, as if there was a little deer in his heart who could not find the exit, and ran into it.

Yin Shaojiao leaned against her forehead, her low and charming voice was like saying love, "You look at me, look at my eyes, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, huh?"

Mu Xiao was soft and cautious, Shui Yingying's eyes met him, like a well-behaved cat, and nodded.

"It's so good ~" Yin Shaoyi smiled and lowered her head to reward her.

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