Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 998: I only want you (6)

He smiled and said, "Then you have to do the same as usual, taking a bath is one of them."

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, still expressing doubt, "true and false ..."

But think about it, it wasn't long before the two of them got engaged, they were still in love, they lived together, and they stuck together all day and wanted to be intimate, and it seemed reasonable?

Struggling and struggling, Mu Xiaoxiao felt embarrassed, but when he thought of helping him to restore his memory, he had to bite his teeth and nodded his head.

Yin Shaoji looked at her a little bit wrongly, "You ... nodded, did you agree to wash together?"

He has a sense of unrealism in a dream.

I usually want to lie to her for a bath, it is even harder than climbing the sky, but today is so smooth!

With a small face, Mu Xiaoxiao shoved him sharply and got out from under his arm.

"I didn't say that!" She called shyly, before rushing into the bathroom.

"But you just nodded!" Yin Shaoxi hurried to catch up, and when she was about to close the door, she quickly clasped the door panel so that she couldn't close it.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid of catching his hand and didn't dare to close the door forcefully, but didn't want him to come in, so he could confront him.

"I didn't nod your head. You misread it." She hurriedly denied it, biting her lower lip in shame, thinking how she was so unrestrained just now, nodding her head.

Seeing his response, her nod should be a surprise to him.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao had amnesia, but the IQ was still online, and it was immediately analyzed. He said that the two often took a bath together, they must have deceived her!

"I read it wrong?" Yin Shaojii laughed, suddenly curled his fingers and knocked on the door panel.

He also sang, "Little rabbit obediently, open the door ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed. "What are you doing?"

Suddenly she sang a nursery rhyme, which caught her off guard, and he made a joke. Her hands were suddenly weak enough to press the door panel.

Yin Shaojie said with a smile, "I'm applying to enter the door. You said that I just read it wrong, so I'll ask again now, okay?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned by his eyes, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he didn't know why, but he couldn't say it.

There was a voice in her head that seemed to be hiding in a deep place and said to her, Don't reject him, give yourself to him.

"Master Wife ~~ How about it?" Yin Shaojiu actually used her trick.

Mu Xiaoxiao just felt that his heart was crisp.

Seeing this, Yin Shaoyi pushed the door open hard and got in through the opened gap.

"Hello! You are not allowed in!"

"I've come in, haha, the wolf came in!"

"Asshole, you go out ..."

"No, the wolf is about to eat a little white rabbit."

There was a playful noise in the bathroom.


In the bathroom, the mist obscured the entire view.

Two bodies stood under the shower, and warm water sprayed on them.

Yin Shaojie pressed Mu Xiaoxiao on the tile and kissed her impatiently, her fiery tongue invaded the inside of her mouth, and greedily sucked the sweet inside.

Although they were still wearing clothes, the clothes had been wet with water, almost soaked, and clinging to the skin.

Mu Xiaoxiao was overwhelmed by his kiss.

The tiles behind were a bit cold, but in front of him he was burning like a fire.

His kiss was fiercer than before, as if to devour her.

"Hmm ..."

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