Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 476: Levy Carbon will never give up

Chapter 0476 Levy Carbon will never admit defeat

In the huge ice layer, the Red Dragon Emperor, originally frozen in it, burned a red flame.

Huh ...

The flames became more and more fierce, and they continued to melt the surrounding ice layer, shining like the sun, and then—


"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The endless fire waves soared into the sky, the huge dragon chant resounded through the sky, and the ice layer in the whole different space was smashed and melted, and Seraphlu and her family members screamed at the attack The fire waves rushed away and scattered.

Obviously the last moment was the extreme cold, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a purgatory fire!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"No, it's impossible. The Red Dragon Emperor has melted the ice of Lord Seraphim!"

The magical girls were stunned, unbelievable. Even Syla Fuluo looked at the ghost.

No one knew better than herself how powerful the freezing she had just released. It stands to reason that she would never escape without her dissolution of the Red Dragon Emperor, but why ... why ...

"Are you surprised, Master Xerafro?"

"This is [the scorching fire], Draeger's initial skill. The ultimate scorching flame that can burn everything, once it is ignited, it will never go out."

"Master Seraphim was freezing so much just now. It would be completely unsolved if someone else was frozen, but [燚 焱 的 火 火] is exactly its nemesis."

Floating in the air, the flames that the sky will spread throughout the different space are collected, and the face under that armor is full of playfulness.

"Abominable Chilong Emperor!"

"Sand, Nami, you retreat, this battle is not over yet!"

Gritting his teeth, Syracuse was resentful.

Despite their confidence in their own masters, the magical girls were a little worried at this time after seeing the power of the sky.

Can Lord Seraphim really win that Chilong Emperor?

It ’s okay to win. If Lord Serapouro loses, is it really necessary to join the Chilong Emperor's harem?

Thinking of this, the faces of the magical girls could not help but slightly reddish.

"Master Symphony, I apologize for breaking your magic wand. I will definitely pay you a better one in the future, but now--"

"Let's end this battle first!"

After playing almost, Tian Luo fell into the palms of his hands and suddenly a red energy ball condensed in the air.

"Boost! Boost! Boost !!!!"

The energy ball kept going up and down in the air, and then slammed into Seraphlu as soon as the sky fell.

"Chi Longdi, don't underestimate me!"

The magic surged, and Seraphul stretched out his hands to launch a huge defensive magic.

The energy ball crashed into the magic array, and then slammed into the magic array and the back of Syla Fleuro, and finally exploded on the ground.

However, in a wave of air waves, the intact figure of Seraphim was soon revealed again.

"How about Chilong Emperor?"

Although breathing a little, Seraphlu's body was full of momentum.

"It's worthy of being Lord Syracuse. The magical accomplishments are truly amazing."

"But it also makes me want you even more!"

The corner of his mouth was raised, and Tian Luo once again condensed an energy ball and smashed down to Syla Lulu.


Annoyed underneath, but Seraphim was not afraid.

Abominable Chilong Emperor, no matter how many times you try today, I will block it for you!

boom! Boom! !! Boom boom! !! !!

Under the gaze of more than a dozen magical girls, Tian Luo continuously smashed the energy **** down to Syla Fuluo, all the waves of fire, and a thunderous sound.

I used a lot of tricks before and consumed a lot of magic. Although Syla Frull was able to resist at the beginning, it gradually showed fatigue as time passed.

The momentum on the body was getting weaker and weaker, and Seraphlu's face became more and more white.

"Master Seraphim ..."

"Good, too good ..."

Looking at the appearance of their masters, the magical girls all showed an intolerance, and some even turned their heads away.

Although they were very eager to rush forward to help, they knew that this was a battle that belonged to Lord Serapouro, and they must not intervene at will.

"Master Seraphim, how about we stop here? To be honest, I really don't want to bully you like this anymore."

Stopped his hands, the sky fell and sighed.

Scars were scarred, and the cute magical girl costume had already become tattered. At this moment, Seraphlu looked really embarrassed. Tianluo could not bear to continue to bully her.

"Ha ... ha ..."

"Yeah, hateful, it would be so strong ..."

Standing hard, Syralflu gasped.

Because of the excessive consumption of magic power, at this time, Syracuse was weak and pale, and even her vision had become a bit blurred.

Although extremely unwilling, Seraphim also had to admit that the power of Chilong Emperor has surpassed her ...

"But Levy Carbon will never give up!"

Standing upright, Seraph showed a stubborn look.

She didn't want to join the harem of the emperor, so she would never give up!


"Since Lord Seraphim still wants to persist, let me completely separate the results!"

Now is not the time to be soft-hearted, Tian Luo sighed, and then his eyes became sharper.

With both hands in the sky, Tian Luo once again condensed a red energy ball. Unlike before, this energy ball is nearly a hundred meters large, and even if it is far apart, you can feel the terrifying energy contained in it!

"Let's have a showdown, Xylaflu!"

"Red Dragon Emperor !!!"

Tianluo threw the energy ball at Sylafuru, while Sylafuru desperately squeezed the remaining magic in his body.

The twelve-sided magic formation unfolded in front of Syla Fuluo, and then the twelve-sided magic formation merged with each other to form a stronger and larger magic formation.

Time seemed to be slowed countless times at this moment, and the huge energy ball slowly collided with the huge magic array.


boom! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

The blazing fire waves rushed into the sky, and the violent storm of energy strangled everything. With a few clicks, cracks appeared on the huge magic square, and then smashed in the horrible look of Syracuse


With a painful scream, the figure of Syracuse was instantly drowned by the violent storm of energy.

"Master Seraphim!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Frightened, Seraphulu's family members wanted to rush over to rescue them, but were also swept away by the diffused energy storm.

The chaos continued for a long time before it gradually subsided. The sky slowly descended from the air, and then in the ruins, she found the dying Seraphim and hugged her.

Although severely wounded, there is no danger to life. Tianluo has grasped the strength and everything is just right.

"Syrahvlu, you have lost."

"As promised, Canna is still mine, and you have to join my harem."

Looking down at Seraphim's ear, the sky whispered evilly.

"Don't ... don't ..."

I never imagined that it would be myself that eventually lost, Syla Fuluo was panicked and helpless, desperately trying to push away the sky, but in the end he dropped his hands weakly, and then passed out completely ...

To be continued ...

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