Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 516: Captive Aisha

Chapter 0516 Captured Aisha

Glendale's body was crushed into pieces by Lias's nirvana [Destroyed Demon Star], and the rest of his head also turned into fly ash in the self-explosion just now. Soul ghost.

"Well, you are so fatal, Red Dragon Emperor, you can't kill you like this."

"This battle is like this, the body has been damaged again, Uncle Ben will not play with you today."

"Ah, that big stupid dragon is about to escape!"

Seeing that Glendale was about to escape, the daughters all looked slightly changed.

Lezvim had a holy grail of Valerie. Glendale could be resurrected as long as he changed his body. This time, he managed to defeat him. If he escaped, he would be defeated.

"Hum, can you go ?!"

With a cold hum, naturally, Glendale would not be able to succeed, and when he raised his hand, he shot a gem at Glendale.

"What the **** is this ?!"

"Ahhhhh ..."

Baoyu sent a huge suction, which instantly sucked Glendale's soul into it, and then flew back into the sky.

"What happened to heaven?"

"I have sealed Glendale's soul in Baoyu, and this guy will never be raised again."

Tianluo explained to the girls, and the girls were relieved for a long time.

That kind of crazy guy they never want to meet again.

"Liyas, Tianluo, my grandma sent a communication, and a new teleportation array has been established."

A small communication magic unfolded in his ears, said Rose Weiser, who had received her grandmother's message.

"That's great, let Ms. Gerndal immediately start teleporting."

"it is good."

Lias said quickly, and Rose Weiser nodded to connect with her grandmother.

Tianluo and other daughters secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the parents, children and residents of the town were sent out, the battle would almost be over.

Although Ladong's enchantment still shrouded the town of Oros and Agrias, it was not difficult for them to leave here.

The magicians in the underground sanctuary also seemed to be moving. I saw that the direction of the Oros School began to emit a dazzling light, and then a huge magic circle began to expand, and the entire academy was covered.

However, what surprised Tianluo and the girls was that there was no movement after the Magic Array unfolded, and the transfer had not started.

"The situation is a bit wrong. What might happen next."

Zhi Cangna said that everyone else naturally felt it.

And at this moment, the magic circle suddenly became a masterpiece of light, and then shot a light and flew to Agreas in the distance.

Under the sky and the gaze of the girls, when the light hit the Agraias empty island, the entire empty island disappeared!

"Well !!!!!!"

"Don't be fooled!"

"Well !!!!!!"

Rezevim's figure flashed above the canopy, holding his cloak and laughing proudly.

The sky falls and the girls can't help but look ugly. At this moment, they don't know where they have been cheated!

"Lezevim, your purpose has been Agrias itself from the beginning? Everything else you have done is just to divert our attention!"

Tian Luo calmly said.

"That's good, Chilongdi sauce, otherwise why do you think I'll give you three hours?"

"There is something super interesting on this empty island in Agrias. I always wanted to take it away and own it, but it is impossible for such a large empty island to be taken away directly, so I I just want to let those magicians create a new type of teleportation magic for me to teleport the entire Agrias away. "

"Of course, the magician who made this suggestion is also our companion. He is doing a good job. He proposes that everyone create a new teleportation magic, and then change the setting at the last moment to transfer the target. Set to Agrias, everything went perfectly as planned! "

"Well !!!!!!"

Speaking of pride, Rezevim laughed again.

Tian Luo and Li Yasi's daughters couldn't help but be gloomy and watery, they were really used!

"Although Ladong and Glendale have been killed in a bit of regret, it is a pity that Huaboga was caught by you, but as long as the holy grail is in there, there is something in that **** that you want to resurrect.

"Oh, right, Chi Longdi sauce, why do you think I said so much to you? Is it just to show off to you?"

"Of course I mean to show off to you, your annoyed look looks great, but in fact my real purpose is--"

"Get your attention!"

Rezevim's expression was ridiculous, while Tian Luo and Li Yasi's daughters were shocked.

That is at this time--


Aisha's scream, Tianluo and the girls hurriedly looked at each other, only to see when Euclidean appeared quietly and caught Aisha!


"Senior Aisha!"

"No movement, otherwise I don't mind crushing her neck."

Tianluo and the daughters were about to rush through, while Euclid had a copy of Chilong Emperor's hand armor, and sneerly pinched Aisha's neck.

"Well, Euclid, you're wrong, we want the Valkyrie, not the little maiden."

Shouted Rezevim above the sky.

"The Valkyrie is so powerful that she may not be able to catch her even if she was attacked just now."

"But it's much simpler to catch this maiden. They guys attach the most importance to their fellowship. As long as they use this maiden to threaten, they will certainly obey."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, Euclid said.

"This is the case, this is the case, it is worthy of Euclid."

"The rest will be left to you. I will withdraw first. Remember to bring that Valkyrie back."

A look finally understood, Lezerem kept nodding his head, and then ordered Euclid to disappear from the sky.

"Euclidean, Aisha was released."

The whole man was so scary and calm, and stared at Euclid desperately.

"It's really terrifying killing, but do you think I'm scared, Chilong ?!"

With a sneer, Euclid had to hold Aisha's neck tightly, and Aisha also showed pain.


"You bastard, you threatened us with Aisha!"

"Have Aisha hurry up, or we can never spare you! Absolutely!"

Looking at Aisha's painful appearance, Genovea and Elijah's daughters were also angry and anxious, but at the moment Aisha was not afraid to move in the other's hands.

He breathed a deep breath, and a few cold flashes flashed in Tianluo's eyes--

"Speak your terms, Euclid."

To be continued ...

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