Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 522: Aisha's Choice

0522: Unknown

"What conditions?"

He didn't immediately agree, Tianluo asked.

"I want her, Aisha Aljet."

"Red Dragon Emperor, if you give Aisha Alget to me, you will not have to pay back those treasures that Draeger owes me."

Looking at Aisha aside, Diamat said surprisingly.

"Miss Diamart wants me, me?"

Aisha was a little stunned, and it seemed that Diamat had never proposed such a condition.

Of course, it's not just Aisha, Tianluo and Li Yasi are the same.


"Aisha Algert, your body has some kind of cause that attracts us dragons. As long as you stay by your side, our body and mind will naturally become peaceful, even your cause will bring us good luck. . ~ "

"I have been paying attention to you for a long time, and my gut tells me that you are more valuable to our dragons than any treasure-a precious treasure."

Diamat said seriously, and Aisha had an incredible look.

Is she really so powerful, why doesn't she know it?

"That seems to be the case, whether it's bad guys or Lucy, Aisha has always been loved and welcomed by dragons, and even Orpheus always likes to stay with Aisha. "

"According to Lord Diamat, I feel that Aisha is like a lucky baby to the Dragons ..."

For a while, the tongues of Genovea and Irina turned to look at Aisha.

"How about, Elsa Algert, would you like to come to me?"

"I can give you the most comfortable living environment, and I will not force you to do anything, even if you have any requirements that are not excessive, I can satisfy you, and you only need to live with me later."

Lord Dragon King once again threw an olive branch, and even proposed extremely rich sugar-coated shells.

It's almost like saying that Aisha, come here to be my pet. You don't have to do anything in the future, as long as I am petted.

The metaphor may be a bit inappropriate, but that's what it means.

"Sorry, Miss Diamat, I can't agree to this condition. Aisha is our family and companion, not something that can be exchanged at will."

Guarding in front of Aisha, Tianluo said.

If any other conditions can be considered, but the other party actually wants Aisha, there is nothing to talk about.

It's impossible!

"Aisha Algert, what is your own choice?"

Frowning slightly, Diamat seemed to be a little unhappy, and looked at Aisha and said.

She feels that the conditions she has proposed are already very generous, and I am afraid that it has already been agreed with the words of others.

Nothing can be done to get her [Tian Ye Ye Long] 's protection and affection, which is an opportunity and honor that countless people cannot find.

"I'm sorry, Miss Diamat, I don't want to leave Tianluo Sang and everyone."

Bending to Diamat, Aisha said.

She didn't know what was happening to her, luck, or something. Although Miss Diamatt's recognition made her happy, she would never leave Tianluo Sang and everyone, no matter how generous the other person put forward. Yeah.

"So ..."

Diamat showed regret, but Aisha refused herself, and she didn't force it anymore.

"Miss Diamart, why don't you change your terms?"

Tian Luo proposed.

Although his temperament has become a little colder, the Dragon King seems to still be that kind of reasoning type, and Tian Luoxin ’s good feelings for Diamat also improved a lot.

"No, I will find those lost treasures myself, but you are also responsible for how to say that, and you and Dlegg will assist me at that time."

"It's okay to just assist, but is that all right? Or let me compensate Miss Diamat with some other treasures?"

"I don't need those things, I will collect the treasures I want."

"Well, Emperor Chilong, Princess Lias, Princess Canna, there is nothing else, I will leave."

After not saying anything, after saying hello to Tian Luo and the girls, Diamat started a magical array and left.

"Although I have heard it for a long time, the Lord Dragon King really is a little different."

"It's true that most of the dragons are overbearing and strong, and they also like fighting. Although this is very proud, he doesn't have that annoying feeling."

Both Canna and Lias sighed, while Tian Luo looked at Aisha behind her:

"Aisha, you just gave up a great opportunity just now. If you follow that Miss Diamart, Aisha won't have to concentrate on enjoying the blessing in the future, but stay with us. We make food, we clean our rooms, and we often fight and experience dangerous things. "

"Even choosing to stay without hesitation, Aisha is really a little fool."

Stroking Aisha's forehead, Tian Luo laughed.

I do n’t know where Tianluo is joking on purpose, and Aisha's face is slightly red, and she can't help but look funny:

"Tian Luo Sang!"


In the evening, Tianluo and the daughters were invited by the Duke of Agres, and came to the home of the Agres' family through the teleportation party to have dinner with Sigwila and the Duke and his wife.

Mrs. Agres is a beautiful and elegant woman, just like the mature version of Siegwera, her mother and daughter are very godlike. The Duke of Argares, as rumored, was also an approachable and generous elder, and warmly welcomed Tianluo and Lias to their arrival.

Gorgeous and sumptuous dinner, hundreds of servants stood on both sides. Everyone was chatting and laughing while enjoying a delicious dinner, and the atmosphere was very good.

"God's night fell, what do you think of Siegwera in our house, or should you also enter into a marriage contract with Siegwera?"

"Ahem ..."

The Duke of Argares was very cold, and the heavens that were tasting wine were stunned by the sudden and amazing words.

Feeling the scrutiny of eyes from the next Lias and Canna, Tianluo could not help but cold sweat.

He was completely lying down and shot, but he did nothing! !! !!

"Master Father!"

"My dear, you have drunk too much."

Siegwila stood up indignantly, and Mrs. Agres reminded with a smile.

"Hahaha ... I'm sorry, I made you laugh, please don't worry about Lias and Princess Canna, just let's just say that an adult father had been a little bit frustrated because he was worried about his daughter's marriage."

It also seemed to me that it was not appropriate for him to say such a thing suddenly. The Duke of Agres apologized, and then made a mess with them.

What sigvira is not young, it is time to find a formal engagement contractor. What sigvira is too high-minded and always looks down on those boys who pursue her. What finally finds a door-to-door and excellent young People signed a marriage contract with Siegwera, but she was defeated by a ratinggame, and the other party lost her face and took the initiative to terminate the contract.

Siegwera was embarrassed by his big-mouthed father and adults, while Tianluo and the daughters of Lias were embarrassing and secretly funny. I never expected that Siegwera, who was always full of aura, would have these affair Ah, it's just like Lias and Cangna ...

To be continued ...

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