Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 535: Two bad women


[Time Realm] Ten days and ten nights passed before this fallen feast finally came to an end.

In fact, Hua Boga's training has already been completed, but Tian Luo is quite obsessed with her delicious body, so it lasted for a few more days ...

"Huaboga, work hard for it in the future as my tool."

Touching Hua Boga's face, Tianluo said.

"Yes, my master ..."

With a confused look, Hua Boga, lying in the arms of the heavens, said obsessively.

In these ten days, Huaboga has completed a complete transformation and rebirth. Every minute and every inch of the body and soul has been engraved with the brand of heaven!

Head down to taste the sweetness of Hua Boga again, and then Tian Luo picked up Hua Boga and was ready to wash the body for both of them.

That's it for this time. Although he can still continue, Hua Bo Jia Ke will break down.

After finally taking over such a good tool, Tian Luo could not bear to destroy Huabojia now, even if it was bad, he would wait until he had used it enough.

Speaking of which, Tianluo has also conquered a lot of tools now. Renalei, Katreya, Joan Dalk, and Huaboga are all excellent. A few are also Mitilt and Caravana. , Uniform girls in Jeanne's squad, and female magicians under Katreya, etc., the number is already considerable.

But there should be more and more in the future ...

After rinsing their bodies for both of them, Tian Luo also let Hua Bojia rest for a while, and then shared the [Yantai of the Lord of the Purple Flame Offering] to her.

[Yantai of the Lord of the Purple Flame Sacrifice] It was originally an artifact belonging to Hua Boga, and it was natural to share it with her original host. While his artifact was recovered, Hua Bojia's heart was also a bit complicated.

However, these things are all right. Anyway, her body and soul have been engraved with the mark of the Red Dragon Emperor Ye Tiantian, and then she will live honestly with her overbearing and evil master.

Although ten days and ten nights have passed in the field of time, only a few hours have passed since the time outside. Tianluo took Huaboga away from the holy temple and appeared together in the hall of the God's Night House. in.

"Ziyan Huaboga!"

"Why is this woman here ?!"

"Everyone be careful!"

The sudden appearance of Hua Boga at the God's Night House caused a big shock. Liyas and Canna's daughters surrounded Hua Boga with great vigilance. I don't know why this abhorrent woman suddenly appeared to them. And Irina and Genovea even took out their holy swords and rushed to chop people at any time.

"Ha ha ha ... it's terrible hostility, it's almost making me sprout."

"Don't worry, Huaboga is not an enemy, and now she is our companion."

Hua Bojia laughed again and again, and Tian Luo gave him a glaring glance to make her honest, and then said.

"Skyfall, what the **** is going on?"

With a frown on her face, all the daughters of Liyas cast a question to Tian Luo.

"It's actually like this ..."

Tianluo told the daughters about Huaboga briefly. It was roughly that after his transformation and education, this woman had changed her heart and became a companion.

Although Tianluo did not specify the methods and processes of reforming education, the understanding of the daughters of him can be guessed without any questions.

"Hua Boga is indeed a rare help. Since Tian Luo you have subdued her, we will not say much."


"Huaboga, I can ignore the things you have done in the past and I will treat you as our companion from now on, but if you dare to betray and hurt anyone here, I swear in the name of Greymore I will never let you go! "

Looking directly at Huaboga, Lias said solemnly.

"I see, I know, the princess of the Greymore family has many rules."

Rotating his own gothic parasol, Huaboga slipped his lips back.

She is now tamed by a badass owner like a dog, even if she wants to do those things.

"Canna, do you have anything to say?"

He noticed that Cang Na's face was not so good, Tianluo asked.

Tianluo also knows that the daughters of the family have a bad impression of Huaboga, but this woman Tianluo intends to use next to her instead of acting secretly like Katreya and Jeanne, so Huaboga gets Lia Silk and Canna's recognition is necessary.

I do n’t expect how good this witch can get along with Li Yasi, but at least it ca n’t affect the atmosphere of the whole family and the relationship between everyone because of her. .

"Let me accept that she can, but she must first apologize to the Liuliu."

Looking at Huaboga lightly, he asked Cangna.

Just like Lias, Zanna took her family very seriously, treating them as her sisters and family. Hua Boga had burned Liuliu with flames at first. If Huaboga didn't apologize to Liuliu, she would never accept this woman!

"Huaboga, apologize to Liuliu."

There was nothing more to say, Tianluo directly ordered Hua Boga.

With her lips pursed, Hua Boga was unwilling. She used to ask others for mercy when she murdered and set fire. When it was her turn to apologize to others.

However, having already experienced the arrogance of his overbearing master, Huaboga did not dare to disobey Tianluo's order.

"Sorry, I hurt you before."

Walked to Rencun Liuliu, Hua Boga said.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine."

Although it doesn't seem to have much sincerity, Rencun Liuliu is not the kind of girl who cares about it, but she waved her hand to forgive the other party.

Seeing that Hua Boga had apologized to Liuliu, Cang Na said nothing more.

"Maliu, Brent, go and prepare a room for Huaboga."

"Yes, Lord."

The matter of Hua Boga is a small episode, and the girls continue to go back to do their own things.

Although Hua Bo Jia has now become a member of the family, it is impossible for everyone to immediately accept her, and Hua Bo Jia did not care much about it, anyway, she never thought about going with this group of young ladies Have a good relationship.

However, there are a few surprises--

"You are the Zibo Huaboga?"

Lena Lei asked with a smile as she came over from one side.

"Who are you again?"

Feeling the dark breath on the other side, Hua Bojia raised a hint of vigilance.

"Renalei, Renalei the Fallen Angel."

"Also as a tool for the owner, I would like to take care of it later, Zibo Huaboga."

It seemed that he was very interested in Hua Boga. Renalei reported her name, and at the same time she held out a hand like Hua Boga.

In the eyes of Renalei, China Boga saw not the warmth and light of other people, but absolute darkness, cold blood, madness, and indifference to life.

Hua Bojia's eyes could not help but flash two brilliant, I did not expect that there is also her kind here!

"Ha ha ha ... I also ask for your attention, Lena Lei."

It doesn't seem too boring here, Hua Boga smiled, and then reached out and held Renalei together.

Tianluo on the side just saw this scene, sighed and couldn't help covering his forehead.

Sure enough, things are gathered by groups and people, and the two dark and cold-blooded bad women have gotten together so quickly ...

To be continued ...

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