Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 552: d × d team established (on)

Chapter 0552 d × d team was established (on)

"Sierra Ogg, Siegwera, have you been selected as well?"

"Ah, now we can fight together again, God night falls, Lias, Canna Sidi."

Tianluo and Sierra Ogg bumped their fists, and Lias and Canna greeted each other with Siegwira and her relatives.

In addition, there were Griseda, Diamat, Kise Kise and a strange young blond in the room.

Lavinia and Kitase Kitao are old friends, and the two also say hello to each other, while Diamatt walks directly to Aisha's side:

"Aisha Algert."

"Dia Mattsang."

They are all indifferent to others, but they are particularly concerned about Aisha, and the heavens can't help but secretly laugh. The Dragon King is really "unforgettable" about Aisha.

"Sister Gelisaida."

"His Royal Highness Chilong."

Tianluo also said hello to Griselda, and Griselda responded with a smile.

The two eyes met, everything was in silence.

"Who is this?"

Looking at the blond young man next to Griselda, Tianluo asked.

The youth dressed as a priest, with a horrifying and sacred breath on his body, should be a member of the Celestial Party.

"He is Dulio Jezúaldo, the holder of the Demon Devil [Huangtian Thunder Prison], the trump card of our heavens, and this time in the order of Lord Michael participated in the special fight against Lezviem. Team. "

"Dulio, this is Lord Chilong Emperor Ye Tianluo."

Geli Saida introduced them to each other, and Tian Luo's eyes could not help but flash a strange color.

This person turned out to be the holder of [Huangtian Thunder Prison], Dolio Jesualdo? !!

It is rumored that although Dulio Jesualdo is a human-transformed angel, he is highly valued by the heavens and possesses a very strong power. Not to mention, with the assistance of the goddess [Huangtian Thunder Prison] In terms of combat effectiveness, it is even above the four great angels!

Even if they took out their trump cards, it seems that the angel camp really attached great importance to Lezviem's ​​affairs this time.

"It's been a long time, Dalong Chilong, please take care of me in the future."

With a bright smile on his face, Dulio Jesualdo extended a hand to Tianluo.


Others will not be indifferent to being friendly to themselves, but they will also stretch out a hand and hold it with Dulio Jezúaldo.

Everyone embarrassed each other, and Tian Luo found him again.

"Asacher, is that the person selected?"

"Aren't you always discussing with the leaders of other forces, why are there almost only three forces of demons, angels, and fallen angels?"

Serra Ogg, Siegwera, Lias, Canna, and the families of Tianluo himself and their five represent the demon camp, and Griselda and Dolio Jesualdo represent the angel camp. Sascher and Kitase Kuniyoshi represent the fallen angel camp. In addition, Lavinia represents the Magic Envoy Association. Rose Valser as the Valkyrie is also a representative of the Nordic myth camp. Diamat On behalf of the Dragons, but there is no other faction representatives, far from what Tian Luo originally expected.

"This is also a matter of no choice. The criteria for selecting this team participant are all strong players who can move freely. Not only need to be able to move at any time when there is a sudden situation, but also all strength must be guaranteed. There are not many people who meet these requirements. Generally, talented and capable people usually occupy important positions in their respective forces and cannot be deployed at will. "

Assache said with a sigh, but Tianluo understood the hidden meaning in his words at a glance--

"It's as if we are idle people. Those guys just don't want to lose their precious talents. That's why let the demons, angels and fallen angels take the lead!"

"Boy, politics is such a complicated thing. It is very good to have the results now. Although other forces have not provided combatants, they have promised to provide us with all the intelligence and logistical assistance we need."

Asschel patted Tianluo on the shoulder, and Tianluo said nothing more.

Although the major forces now form an alliance, it is only because of the general trend that they do not want to be isolated and hostile by other forces. Although it is much better than the situation where everyone started to work without a word, it is far from it To the degree of true unity and trust in each other.

Whenever major issues are involved, everyone basically takes the interests of their own side as the most important.

Although it feels a little unpleasant, Tianluo didn't care too much. After all, he and Lezhevim will make a conclusion. He just fights for himself. The other guys care about them.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Seeing that everyone was chatting, Assaher clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Presumably you are all clear, all of you here are selected to be part of the special team against Lezviem this time ..."

Archer talked a lot, including the enemies they are facing, their situation, the purpose and significance of the formation of their team, etc. Everyone listened quietly.

Assachere did not say that people who do not want to participate can now quit, and would not stand here without even this awareness.

In the end, Assacher snapped his fingers—

"Now let me introduce some special companions."

"Come out, too."

As Asschel's voice fell, a magic circle opened up in the air, and several figures emerged from it.

Turns out to be Wally, Monkey, Arthur Pendragon, and Felwolf, the magic wolf!

"Wally Lucifer!"

"Why are people in the woes here ?!"

Tian Luo and Li Ya Si daughters are better, but after seeing Wally's party, Sera Ogg, Siegwira and Geli Saida all changed their looks, and they were immediately ready for battle .

"Well, don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I invited Valley to them, and they have already discussed with Sussex and Michael."

"Wally they are different from those of the Tree of Evil, and this time they will be with us as our companions against Lezviem."

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little tense, Assacher quickly stepped out and rounded the field.

Although he has resigned from the post of Governor of the Fallen Angel, Assachere still has some prestige, and has always been trusted by everyone. With his assurance, everyone finally relaxed a little.

However, Serra Ogg and Siegwera were still a bit wary, after all, Wally's identity was too sensitive.

At the time, not only had he betrayed the fallen angel and joined the scourge, but Wally still had the blood of his predecessor Lucifer, but he was also the grandson of Lezhevim!

"Sierra Ogg, Siegwera, you don't need to care so much."

"Although these guys are not friends, they are not our enemies, and I can guarantee this."

Stepped out, Tianluo said.

"Since you said so, let's trust them once."

Glancing at each other, then Sierra Ogg and Siegwera said.

Obviously, they still did not trust Wali and his party. All they trusted was Assachere and Tianluo.

But this is enough.

A little restlessness calmed down, and Tian Luo's eyes fell on Valley again ...

To be continued ...

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