Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 561: Invaded Heaven


On the sixth day of heaven, the four great angels, as well as the heavens and daughters, gathered in the huge temple [Zebler].

Originally this temple was still being renovated and decorated and could not be used, but now there is such an emergency situation and there are so many things under control.

"Roar roar roar roar !!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

In the three-dimensional projection of the conference table, I saw that the island of Agraias, which was taken away by the [Evil Tree], appeared in the third day of heaven, like a huge moving fortress flying slowly in the air. Hundreds of thousands of mass-produced evil dragons poured out from the empty island and destroyed.

Hears, cries, explosions ... At this moment, heaven became hell, angel guards flew up and fought fiercely with the army of evil dragons, and the souls of the dead of the believers flew into light **** escape.

Both Michael and Gabriel looked ugly, while Dolio on one side clenched his fists tightly, almost all of them covered with bloodshot eyes.

"The enemy seems to have come in from the third day, the soul of the believer, to heaven."

"There are already a lot of evil dragons coming out on the third day, and they are invading the second day below and the fourth day above."

"The elevators to all floors have stopped operating, and the gates on each floor have been sealed by enemies imposed by the enemy. They can no longer enter and exit at will."

As the angel guards reported all available intelligence, the crowd in the war room became more and more heavy.

This is really a terrible situation.

"Asacher, how are you doing, can you come over to support me?"

Looking at Asachel's projection, Tianluo asked.

"No, the gates from the human world to heaven have been completely closed, and condemned soldiers cannot be sent up for a short time."

Assache shook his head, and everyone couldn't help but be silent.

There is no reinforcement in a short time, which means they can only rely on themselves!

"What is the purpose of the enemy, for the tree of life and the tree of wisdom?"

"Unlikely, although the 'evil tree' is the upside-down of the 'tree of life', those two trees are also very important and precious, but since the death of God the tree of life and the tree of wisdom have never bred fruit, It doesn't make much sense to them even if they are snatched. "

"Is it to destroy the [System] left by the Lord?"

"This is quite possible. After all, once the [system] is destroyed, believers will no longer have the protection and blessing of the Lord, nor will they trigger a sacred miracle. This will be a fatal blow to heaven."

"The other party's purpose is good, and time is urgent, let's discuss the solution first."

As soon as you said me, everyone quickly negotiated a plan of action—

The four great angels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, went to the seventh day to strengthen the guardianship of the [System]. This is the most important place in the entire heavenly world, and it must not be lost.

Tianluo, Li Yasi's daughters, and the four great angels under the four great angels are with the Tianluo to stop the enemy in the next few days.

The ambassador, also known as the Holy Angel, is a card system developed by Celestial according to the demonic chess pieces. The so-called ambassador is like the family members of the devil. At present, a set of cards has been developed by each of the four great angels.

Michael controlled the spades, Gabriel controlled the red hearts, Raphael controlled the plum blossoms, and Urie controlled the squares, and Griselda was Gabriel's ambassador [Queen].

According to the characteristics of the card, there are thirteen sacred messengers of each suit, and all of them are elites and strong men in the heavens, and each has a very powerful strength.

As for the "trump card", Dulio is also known as the "ghost card", that is, the king and the little king in the card do not belong to the four suits, but they are above all the holy messengers. !!

"I'm sorry, Emperor Chilong, Princess Lias, Princess Canna, obviously this time I invited you to visit Heaven, but you have encountered this kind of thing again."

"But at this moment our heavenly kingdom needs your help, please lend us your strength."

Before starting the operation, Michael stood in front of Tianluo and the daughters, saying apologetically and earnestly.

"Don't worry, Lord Michael. The purpose of our d × d team is to deal with those guys in the [Tree of Evil]."

"not to mention--"

Tian Luo looked at the girls next to her, and Li Yasi and Cang Na's daughters smiled helplessly.

Anyway, those guys who are in trouble every time they go will jump out to find something, and they already think that it is not strange.

The time was urgent, and everyone didn't say anything more. The four great angels headed by Michael rushed to the seventh day to strengthen the [System] enchantment, and the rest were hurried to the next few days to block Enemies who are invading.

Because the elevators connecting all floors have stopped operating, at this time it has become a bit troublesome to rush to the next few days. The emissaries led by Griselda are planning to prepare the teleportation technique. The sky fall is Road--

"No need to bother, I have an artifact that can jump into space, and now I can teleport everyone down."

They didn't know how long it would take for them to begin their slow transmission, so Tianluo said.

"An artifact of jumping space? Can that teleportation support team from the human world and the underworld?"

As soon as his eyes lighted, Gresida asked.

"No, the celestial realm is in a different space from the human world and the underworld. At this time, the celestial realm is completely closed and there are other powerful enchantments isolated. It is already the limit to be able to jump and move within a few days. Jump outside. "

The sky fell and shook his head, and Griseda and the other ambassadors couldn't help showing regret, but now they can use the ability of the artifact to quickly rush to the battlefield below.

"His Highness Red Dragon, then please help us teleport to the battlefield below."

No longer thinking about reinforcements, Griselda said, and Tianluo secretly laughed.

Not long ago, this nun was still called "Master" and "Holy Lord" cheerfully, but now he is a sip of His Highness Chilong Emperor.

Woman, woman, really one by one.

Just as Tianluo was preparing to launch the ability of the artifact, Dulio also said:

"Captain, please teleport me to the third day, please!"

With a plea in his eyes, Dulio's voice was low at this time, and his breath was restless, like a horrible wild monster that seemed to erupt at any time.

Although I don't know why Dulio wanted to go to the third day first, Tianluo nodded and didn't ask much.

The ability of [Space Jump] was launched, and a light group unfolded around the sky as a center, covering the daughters of Lias and all the holy messengers, and then flashed away ...

To be continued ...

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