Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 568: Here is santa

Chapter 0568 Santa Claus is here

There is no surprise that [Evil Tree] 's attack on heaven has caused a huge sensation in all forces, especially when it is known that Rezevim has lifted the seal of Imperial Beast 666 and has begun to resurrect it. Everyone felt a great deal of tension and stress.

If Emperor Beast 666 is resurrected, this world will really usher in a huge disaster!

The leaders of the major forces are discussing and meeting all the time, and the heavens have also issued a strong condemnation to the side of the Hades. Although it is almost a year old, those high-level and big brothers who have happened this kind of thing don't think they can easily celebrate the New Year.

As a side note, after this incident, Aisha's name was thoroughly spread among the high-level leaders and dragons of various major forces, and she even possessed the ability to eliminate the evil spirits of the evil dragons and to guard the multi-headed dragons. Many people are right Aisha became interested and curious.

There are even many forces and families who have contacted Tianluo and Lias successively, and put forward many favorable conditions to exchange for Aisha with them.

With her own power, Aisha guarded the multi-headed dragon race. The strength gathered by her has not lost to many smaller families and forces, and with Aisha's ability and attributes, she may gather more in the future. More.

Those guys had a good idea. As long as they got Aisha, they could also get the power of the dragons gathered by Aisha. Tianluo and Liasi were naturally too lazy to bother.

Not to mention Aisha's talents. As long as she is their family, friends and partners fighting together, Tianluo and Li Yasi will never sell Aisha.

Even those guys put forward noble terms ~

While some people with ulterior motives were still thinking of Aisha, Aisha was now receiving the love and reward of heaven-fall in her room—

"Tian Luo Sang ... Tian Luo Sang ..."


I just felt the innumerable blazing bursts in my body, the endless happiness made Aisha's eyes scattered, and the whole mind had temporarily lost consciousness.

Enjoying it at the same time also rewarded Aisha a few times and took a rest. After seeing that Aisha had recovered her consciousness, Tianluo stroked her face again—

"Aisha, see me now as your god."

There was an evil arc in the corner of his mouth, Tianluo said.

"Yes, Lord ..."

The tenderness and love in her eyes gradually turned into faith and piety, and Aisha replied foolishly.

Lowering her head and pinching Aisha's soft lips, the battle resumed, and Tianluo conquered Aisha's body again.

If it was said that she had loved and rewarded her before, then this heaven is a goddess who loves her and the Lord ’s gift to her ...


Time, christmas night.

Location, Shenyejia training ground.

Looking at the d × d team that had gathered, Tianluo nodded secretly.

Tonight will be the first collective action of their d × d team, and the content of the action is to play Santa Claus to send gifts to everyone in Komagome Town.

To suit the situation, everyone was wearing Santa costumes at this moment. Men were in red and red pants, while women were in beautiful red skirts.

Everyone was eager to look forward to it, but there were a few thorns or two--

"Wally, put on the hat. Santa without hat is like Santa."

Shouted when Valley threw the Christmas hat aside.

However, the dude looked so cold and ignored the sky at all. I guess this dress is too sloppy, before everyone put a lot of effort into putting him on Christmas clothes.

Looking at this guy who has no sense of collective honor, Tian Luo is also a little speechless. He picks up the Christmas hat and walks to Wali's body--

"Oh, obediently, don't be stubborn, put on your hat quickly, and let him over when you meet Rezevim later."

Patting Valley on the shoulder, Tianluo said.

With a black face, Wally stared at the sky blankly, but eventually put the Christmas hat on his head.

Lavinia's daughters couldn't help but laughed, and Tian Luo nodded with satisfaction.

Although this guy has a bad smell, Tianluo also has a way to pinch him.

Now that you've changed your clothes, it's time to prepare Santa's elk cart.

Dozens of cars have been prepared in advance. As for the elk pulling the car, it is intended to be made with the God of Warcraft [Creation of Warcraft]. With the launch of the magic weapon, a large group of beautiful elks appeared in the training ground. Everyone happily selected elks for their cars and tied the reins to them.

"God's night fell, and we still have a few elks here."

Seeing that the elk was not enough, Serra Ogg said.

"We need to act in unison, but also maintain the characteristics of each team."

"Sierra Ogg, you are the king of the lion's house, just use your lion to pull the cart."

"Wally, beautiful monkey, you use Fenrir."

"Jinase, you and Lavinia, use a blade dog."

The "blade dog" in the sky refers to the goddess of black kite kite [Black-bladed dog god], which is also an independent manifestation of the **** destroyer, which usually turns into a huge and powerful black dog. At the side of Kitase Kitao.

Although it seems weird to use a lion, a wolf, a dog or something to pull a Christmas car, but who makes Tianluo this guy is the captain. In order to satisfy his bad taste, everyone can only retain their opinions.

The side of Wally and Kitase Yukio was okay, and Serra Ogg was speechless for a while, and it took a lot of effort to coax his [soldier] Regulus and turn him into a lion. Pull a car for them.

It's almost time, and everyone is ready to go, two or three people in groups, each with a large pocket behind it.

"set off!!!"

With the orders from the sky, an elk stepped into the sky and a Christmas car flew to the sky.

"Oh, come Santa!"

"Merry Christmas, everyone!"

Everyone dispersed, shouting Merry Christmas while grabbing light **** from their pockets and throwing them down the town.

These light **** are specially prepared by the angels of the heavens. As soon as they are thrown out, they will automatically fly to the homes of the residents in the town and then become various gifts.

Because they didn't hide their tracks, soon the residents of Kuwang Town also found these Santa Clauses who suddenly appeared in the sky, one by one with their mouths wide open.

"St. Santa, so many Santas!"

"Oh my god, I must have hallucinations!"

"Ah ... the ball of light, the ball of light has become a gift, I got a gift from Santa!"

"Look, that Santa Claus is pulling a cart with a lion!"

"There is a wolf over there!"

"Good, big dog!"

Not too long, the whole town of Komaga boiling.

Everywhere in the sky is a group of Santa Clauses sending gifts to them, just like dreaming!

Everyone is in charge of an area. Tianluo, Rose Weisser, and Uberuna share the same car to take charge of the south side of the town. When they fly over a house that day, they hear the moving Tongsheng Lanhua His head popped out of the window.

"Yo, Kiryu, Merry Christmas, this is a gift for you."

Say hello to Kiryu, and Tianluo threw a ball of light at her.

But after thinking about it, Tianluo grabbed a few more from the bag and threw it at her.

Anyway, I want to give it away. If I meet an acquaintance, give it a few more.

The **** of light fell into Tong Sheng's hands, and then turned into beautifully packed gift boxes. Tong Sheng Lanhua stood in front of the window with a blank expression, and it seemed that some had not responded.

What is the situation and what is the situation? !! !!

"We have to go somewhere else, goodbye!"

He Tongsheng waved his hand, and Tianluo was going to set up a deer cart to send gifts elsewhere.

However, Tongsheng Lanhua finally came back to her, her eyes lighted up, she threw away the gift box in her hand, stood on the window, and then jumped onto the deer cart in the air.

"Horrible Minister, even such a funny thing does not call me."

"I want to be Santa too, I want to give you gifts, and I want me too!"

Embracing Tianluo, Tongsheng Lanhua yelled.

"You don't have any Christmas clothes and what kind of Santa Claus are you? Going down, we have to send gifts to other people."

The black line at the end of the sky twitched and tried to throw Tongsheng down, but Tongsheng Lanhua was holding him tightly and would not let go.

"I don't care if I don't care, these ministers will solve it. Anyway, I want to play too! I want to play too!"

Really lost his temper by this unscrupulous working woman, Tian Luo looked at Yu Bei Luna next to—

"Yuberuna, change her into a Christmas outfit."

"Yes, Lord."

There was also a smile on his face, and Ubeluna used magic to transform Kiryu Lanhua into a Christmas outfit.

"Hahaha ..."

"Miss Ben has also become Santa Claus. Let's go. Santa Claus will come!"

To be continued ...

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