Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 571: New semester begins


"Senior Senior, Happy New Year!"

"Senior Liyas, grown up, long time no see."

"Senior Zhu Nai, Teacher Ubeluna ..."

At the beginning of the school season, Tianluo and the girls walked into Kuwang Academy, and some students who were familiar along the way greeted them.

"Time is really fast, this is already our last semester here."

"Yeah, we are leaving here in a few months."

I also greeted those students who were familiar with her, and Lias and Cangna were sighing with sighs.

This is the third semester of Komagaku Gakuen, and it is the last semester for their third grade.

Although it is only a school in the human world, it is of great significance to them, and the thoughts of the girls are a little sentimental and reluctant to think that they will leave here soon .

In the first semester of the new semester, the school sent a survey of graduation directions to all third-grade students. After graduating from high school, some people will go to college, but some people will choose to enter social employment.

Tianluo and Li Yasi have already discussed their direction after graduation. They do n’t need to run for their lives like ordinary people. They have a long life and they do n’t need to go to employment or immediately Back to take care of the family affairs, so all the choices are to continue to attend the college department of Komagaku Gakuen.

In addition to the choice of graduation intention, according to the school's regulations, Lias, who is the Minister of Supernatural Research, and Tian Luo, the Minister of Kendo, will also step down. They will graduate soon, and the duties of the society will also be transferred to the younger generations below.

It's not just ordinary clubs, including the Student Union, which covers many of the school's affairs. Cangna said that she will also be busy with the election of the new student union in the next period.

After school in the afternoon, I agreed with the daughters of Lias to go home together, and then Tianluo came to the Kendo Department.

The girls of the Kendo Department have already arrived early, and all the young girls who are behind the sky are surrounded with joy--

"Master, happy new year."

"Long Minister, long time no see."

"Master Minister ..."

I also like the girls who are members of the ministry. I greeted everyone and clapping my hands:

"Everyone, all sit down."

Although it has not been more than a year since becoming the Minister of Kendo, but the sky is here with absolute prestige, the girls immediately set up the formation and sat down in the dojo.

"I haven't seen a holiday for a while, and everyone must have a lot to say. Today we will make a special case without practicing swordsmanship once. Let's talk to friends and talk freely!"


"Master Minister is the best!"

After hearing Tianluo's words, the girls of the Kendo Department immediately gave out huge cheers, all of them exulting.

As the Minister said, they have a lot of things to say to other friends after a holiday.

"Be quiet before that—"

Let everyone quiet down, and then Tian Luo hit his fingers, and each one of the beautifully packed gift boxes appeared in the air, and then fell into the hands of every kendo girl below.

"This is a New Year gift for everyone. Open it and have a look."

Tian Luo laughed, and all the girls also showed surprise:

"Thank you, Minister!"

"My favorite Minister is!"

Every gift that Tianluo prepared for the girls is different. Although it is not so precious, it is also very delicate, all are things that girls like.

After unpacking the boxes and seeing their respective gifts, the girls regarded the treasures as being all happy.

She also sat down, and Tianluo talked to the girls about some of the topics during the holiday. The happy atmosphere filled every corner of the Kendo Department.

After several hours passed, it was almost time to end the activities of the community. Tian Luo also clapped her hands again to calm everyone down.

"Now, I want to announce something to everyone."

"Everyone should know that by the third semester of the third semester, all the club posts will be transferred to the younger generation, which means that I will also be removing the post of Minister of Kendo from today.

Although I have known this for a long time, the girls did not mention this topic subconsciously before. At this moment, after hearing Tian Luo speak, the girls in the Kendo Department were all excited.

"Master, please don't leave us!"

"I cannot accept such a thing! Absolutely not!"

"Me too, I don't want the Minister to leave!"

For a while, the Kendo Department was almost noisy, and the girls were unable to accept the fact that Tianluo would step down and even begged Tianluo not to abandon them to stay.

There is also a little helplessness in the sky, and I can only stop everyone and say again--

"Regulations are regulations. You are all high school students, but you can't be so willful."

"But, but ... I don't want the Minister to leave ..."

"Me, me too, Lord Minister, please don't abandon us ..."

"Woohoo ..."

Talking about it, several young girls even started to cry, and more young girls who were driven by them also joined.

Not long ago, everyone was happily discussing the interesting things in their respective holidays, but in the blink of an eye, they cried aloud, and the sky could not help but have a headache.

"Although I'm very sorry, I can't stay here forever."

"But in this last semester, even if I dismissed the post of minister, I will come to guide everyone's swordsmanship every day."

"In fact, you don't have to be too sentimental. After graduation, I will continue to study in the university department of Komagome Gakuen. If you also join the University of Komagome Gakuen in the future, we can meet again."

"Moreover, if you like it, I will first become the director of the Kendo Department of the University Department. After everyone enters the University Department, I can join the Kendo Department again."

Tianluo patiently comforted the girls, and after hearing Tianluo's words, the girls' mood finally stabilized.

"Really, really, Lord Minister?"

"Then we will make an agreement. The Minister is not allowed to lie!"

"I will definitely enter the university department of Komagaku Gakuen in the future and become a member of the Minister again!"

"Me too, Lord Minister don't want to throw us away!"

You said it to me, and after knowing that you can reunite in the university department in the future, the girls finally accepted this fact.

One after another, after making up their minds, they will also enter the university department of Komagaku Gakuen. Looking at the firm eyes of the girls, there is a little touch under the sky.

Although he just became the Minister of Kendo at the time, it seems that the decision was also good. Because he became the Minister of Kendo, he can now harvest such a group of lovely members.

"Rest assured, I will be waiting for everyone in the university department."

"So now, let's talk about the new minister."

To be continued ...

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