Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 574: The darkness of ratinggame


Sierra Ogg, Siegwera, Griselda, Dolio, and Asschel, Kitase Kita and the Wally Squad, all members of the d × d Squad are gathered in the VIP room of the God's Night House in.

On the big screen on the side of the VIP room, the news program of the Underworld TV channel was being broadcast at the moment, and the demon text at the bottom of the screen was marked "Suddenly an accident in the ranking game!" Striking title.

"Let's take a look at this again. This is the video data of the scene at that time."

After watching the news, Assaher took out a CD with the stored images and played it for everyone.

This video document records the game images of Emperor Di Hazel Belial in the ratinggame of the Underworld recently. As the champion of the rating game, Di Hazel Belial's game has received much attention.

As always, Di Hazer Belial and his family members won the game easily and neatly. The entire battle process was extremely exciting, even if they lost to their opponents.

So far everything is normal and the game should be officially declared over. However, surprisingly, Di Hazer's opponent has withdrawn from the field, but Di Hazer and his family members still remain on the field.

There was no sound in the video material, as if someone had deleted it deliberately. I saw what Di Hazel was standing in front of the screen and was talking about something, and then he took out something from his arms.

The items in Dihaser's hand were also obscured, and it was impossible to see what was at all. After seeing what he said, the demon king Ajka Besib suddenly appeared on the screen through the teleportation array.

Di Hazel and Ajka seemed to talk for a while, but the content of the conversation was unknown, and in the end the entire image was completely blurred and nothing could be seen.

"Asacher, are you bringing us together just to see this? What does the disappearance of the emperor have to do with our dxd team?"

After watching the video, I just felt inexplicable Tianluo asked.

"That's what I'm going to tell you next. According to the information we just got, Emperor Dihazer Belial has betrayed the underworld and turned to Lezvim, and the last time he attacked Agrias Because of his internal response, you were all passive at the time and finally caught the trap of [Tree of Evil]. "

"What? That Dihazer betrayed the underworld!"

"No wonder ... no wonder we were ..."

The emperor Di Hazel Belial turned out to be a traitor to the underworld, let alone the daughters of Liyas, even when the sky fell.

No wonder they were counted by Lezviem again and again, because it was because of the spy of Di Hazer!

Tian Luo looked at the nearby Serra Ogg and Siegwira, not as shocked as the others. Both of them and their families seemed to have known this information in advance, but Sela Ogg's face It seems very ugly.

For Serra Ogg, Di Hazer Belial is not only his predecessor and the goal he wants to surpass, but also gives him many guidance and help as a teacher. Serra Ogg has always respected and trusted him, but he is a spy traitor!

There is no need to think about and clear the mood of Sella Ogg at this moment, and Tian Luo patted his shoulder without saying much.

This man has a steel-like hard and powerful heart, but he won't be defeated because of this little thing.

"Is the emperor ... clear why Di Hazer betrayed the underworld, I have never heard of him as a supporter of the old devil."

In the same way, Dihazer Belial was the goal to be surpassed, and Liath's expression was very ugly.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is not really a supporter of the old devil sect. Before I came, I went to Ajka to confirm it."

"If you have to say the reason for his betrayal, it can be said that it is to expose the darkness of ratinggame."

"Exposing the darkness of ratinggame?"

Assachere said, and everyone couldn't help wondering.

"Liyas, what do you think of your demon's ratinggame?"

Rather than answering everyone's doubts directly, Assache asked.

"It ’s worth saying, ratinggame is a stage for all our young demons to show their self. Everyone competes with each other and constantly surpasses their opponents and themselves in the game. As long as they can achieve excellent results and performance on ratinggame, they will give themselves and their families All bring great benefits and honors. "

Although I don't know why Assachelle asked these questions, Lias answered truthfully.

"Yes, this is your demon's ratinggame. It has become an indispensable part of your economy, culture, and even values ​​over a long history."

"And your ratinggame requires absolute fairness and justice, otherwise the outcome of ratinggame will be meaningless."

"Isn't that the case?"

I don't know what Assachelle wants to say, Lias asked back ...

"So, Liars, although you are very talented, but you are still too young to know the darkness of this world. Human beings can sell their souls for their own desires and ambitions, and you demons can also be for the so-called Interests and rights to sell their dignity and honor. "

"You young people think that fair and fair ratinggames have already been eroded by the big names. They secretly manipulate the games, open bets, even bribe players, interfere with commercial authorization, and so on."

"Today's ratinggame is not a fair game anymore, it's just a way for the big names to make huge profits for themselves, and only you simple young people are still stupidly desperate."

With a sigh, there was a hint of sarcasm in Asschel's tone, and the daughters of Lias were discolored.

"Assachelle, even if you say that, you are responsible!"

Excited, Lias murmured.

In other words, Assachere, everyone has always trusted him. If other people say such things, I'm afraid Lias will turn her face.

It turns out that their fair and sacred ratinggame has long been eroded and turned into a dirty means of making profits for the big men. If this is the case, what is their persistence and hard work!

"Liyas, calm down."

"Although these things may be difficult for you to accept at the moment, Assachere is not wrong."

Sighing, Tian Luo also spoke, letting Li Yasi calm down first.

"Skyfall, even you say that?"

Lias was incredible.

"Well, heaven is falling, it seems you also know something inside."

Asschel laughed.

"Know a little bit."

"They are different from Lias. After all, I have seen a lot of dirt and darkness since I was a child. Naturally, I also know how the so-called big men are moral."

"Asacher, you go on."

Shrugging, Tian Luo didn't care about the tunnel.

"The sound of the previous image was deliberately eliminated, because the words of His Majesty the Emperor must not be known to the public, and what he gave Ajka was also obscured because it was also invisible to the big men. Taboo. "

"Liyas, do you know what that is?"

To be continued ...

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