When we came out of the canteen, we coincidentally saw Liu Guojun bringing the Ren man and woman over.

"You're all quite lucky this time!" Liu Guojun was still holding onto his nonexistent belly as he walked, speaking in an extremely annoying official voice, "Think about it, if Captain Zhang had not sacrificed his life to save you all, if he did not care about his own safety, would have come back to save you all, if he did not have a bulldozer that could still move, would you all still be alive and coming back?"

The two from the Ren seemed to have been convinced by Liu Guojun. His eyes were swollen like walnuts, and he was still sobbing. The man had his head lowered, his face filled with worry, as he followed behind Liu Guojun.

"So …" Liu Guojun continued to speak: "You all need to thank Captain Zhang, and even more so the Mayor Chen. Even without this mission, do you all have enough food to survive the winter? Impossible, right? Instead of starving to death in your family, why don't you two live on! You won't have to worry about not having enough firewood to burn, right? "

"Director Liu …" The man suddenly said, "Can I discuss something with you?"

"Speak, speak! I'm just here to solve your problem! " Liu Guojun stopped and said with an exaggerated tone.

"So it's like this …" In our family, there's only us two, husband and wife, and my mother. My mother is almost sixty, and with just the three of us, we won't be able to survive.

"Ugh …" What did you do before? " Liu Guojun asked.

"I used to do sales, my wife was an accountant, and my mother was a housewife …" The man saw Liu Guojun frowning and immediately continued, "I have the strength, I can do anything. My wife and mother also can do the same. I beg of you, Director Liu, please give me a chance to live? "

"This... "I can't make a decision. How about you guys go back first, I'll apply to the higher ups for research and research. Don't worry, I'll definitely talk to you guys. You guys really aren't easy to deal with, I know that!"

"Thank you very much, Director Liu. You must take it to heart!" The man thanked him profusely and followed Liu Guojun into the canteen.

Liu Guojun brushed past us without even glancing at us, as if he thought of us as air.

"Humph!" "What is that thing!" San Mao pouted and muttered. I slapped him on the shoulder and pushed him away.

Although four hundred jin of food was a little strenuous for us, the short moment of escaping from death and returning full of food made us feel even more excited. Only Yang Yufan was still immersed in grief. To him, the dead Lin Hao was the only companion in this group who was close in age but could still speak for himself.

We approached the tunnel at dusk that connected our encampment with the Ghost Market. We stopped at the entrance of the hidden tunnel and looked around to make sure that there was no one around. Regarding this tunnel, we don't want other people to know that we have several hundred kilograms of food.

"Hey!" Where are you going? " Just as we thought it was safe to lift the cover at the mouth of the tunnel, a man's voice rang out.

Startled, we drew our weapons in preparation.

"Don't be nervous... "Don't be nervous …" The voice continued. We followed the sound and saw a figure nimbly climbing down from the scaffolding outside the outbuilding beside the tunnel. When he landed on the ground and walked towards us with his hands raised, I was surprised to see that it was the man who had been trapped on the flagpole in the food factory!

At this moment, I noticed that the man with the flagpole [1] was abnormally small and thin, with a height of less than 1.6 meters, but his arms were extremely long. Adding to that, when he walked, he had a hunch over his shoulders.

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm …" The flagpole man raised his long hand, and I noticed that his palm was unusually large, with long fingers, as if he was playing the piano.

"What do you want?" After all, we had just experienced a moment of life and death together, so I was too embarrassed to give him a hard time.

"This... Can I join? " The flagpole man went straight to the point.

"Ah?" Join them? "Join what group?" I said, somewhat at a loss.

"Just joining you guys, you know, my old buddies were fucking dead in the morning." The flagpole man said gloomily.

"As you know, in this era of son of a bitch, a single person cannot survive by himself." The flagpole man continued to add.

"Where's your food?" San Mao opened his mouth and asked: "According to the distribution method of Ghost Market, you should receive up to a thousand kilograms worth of food by yourself …"

"You think they treat everyone like you?" The flagpole man sneered, "They gave me fifty kilograms of beans and told me that's it. I can only take it and leave. "

Ah!" Then, didn't you not even have meat to eat? " Yang Yufan suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" You still have meat to fucking eat? " The flagpole man shouted out in an exaggerated manner.

"Void!" Lighten up! " San Mao scolded in a low voice, the flagpole guy also realized what was happening, he covered his mouth and started jumping, scratching his ears and cheeks, obviously feeling extremely frustrated that he had missed out on a piece of meat.

"Then why do you want to join us?" I waved him off.

"Isn't this simple? All of you are strong, you went to so many teams together, only all of you survived without any injuries. If you want to live today, you can't just find a thicker leg to hug …"

"The Ghost Market is not that strong, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to join them with your skill, right?" San Mao continued to ask.

"Haha …" The man with the flag pole laughed lightly and said: "I would not dare, with that Mayor Chen's scheming personality, I am afraid that someone will sell me the money!"

"Friend!" At this time, Lv who was at the side suddenly spoke out without thinking: "You are the judge?"

Hearing that, the man with the flag pole was obviously startled, he then squinted his eyes and looked at Lv from head to toe, and then smiled:

"Your team is also very strange. Thieves and policemen are mixed in …" Friend, which door are you from? "Forgive me for being unable to see …"

"I am a member of the Rongzi clan …" Lv replied.

"Oh …" So it turned out to be 'Old Rong'. Sorry for the disrespect … "My apologies." The flagpole man cupped his hands in a bow.

The two of them chatted like this, talking about something that I didn't understand. It was like an ancient TV show.

"'Tsukiko' means someone who slipped through the door and climbed out the window..." "Old Rong 'is a technique to pry locks..." Fortunately, San Mao had explained it to me softly.

The two talked for a while, then Lv gave us a look. The few of us walked to the side, and Lv said:

"There isn't much of a problem with being a person. The big bosses that he's already worked with all have names in the circle …" "Let's see if you can accept it."

San Mao turned to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, indicating that I did not have any objections. In my heart, I thought that there was already a thief in the party, so what if there was another thief?

"I have no objections either …" San Mao paused for a moment before continuing, "But we still need to see Uncle Feng's intentions, since this is his place." We all nodded.

In the end, after we explained the situation, Uncle Feng waved his hand and said: "It's just a small matter. What is there to say?

Therefore, everyone was overjoyed. The flagpole man bowed to us as he introduced himself, "My name is Hou Jian, my friends all call me Monkey. Please take care of me in the future."

When I heard this name, I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. I thought to myself, 'This person really lives up to his name.'

Because of this delay, we returned to our residence and it was already dark by the time we arrived. But before we even went in, the door creaked and opened, Little Casey rushed out, and immediately dove into Uncle Feng's embrace, I saw Aunt Chen standing at the door with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Uncle Feng hugged Casey and his wife as they entered the house, and under the light of the rising moon, I saw Uncle Feng take out an item wrapped in cloth and gave it to Aunt Chen, which Aunt Chen opened layers of cloth, revealing a piece of salted meat.

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