The coffin was very large, about the height of a person. It was about four to five meters long and two meters wide. It looked like an enlarged version of an ordinary coffin.

"It's so big, this should be the tomb of some sort of emperor, right? How many treasures would there be to accompany them in death? What dynasty is this? Shall we make a fortune with just two? " Mao Tou gulped as he asked like a cannonball.

After hearing what he said, I suddenly remembered that there were some documentaries about the ancient mausoleum. I remembered that this huge coffin was actually not a coffin, it should be called a coffin instead. It even had several heavy coffins inside as if it were made of clothes, the coffins and the coffins were filled with funeral objects, only the corpse could be placed in the deepest part of the coffin. This coffin could only be enjoyed by nobles and nobles. Moreover, the higher the level, the more layers the coffin would have. The highest number of emperors would be at the fourth floor. And the position of the coffin in front of us is at least of the noble king level.

"Fortunately, I brought this …" Mao Tou suddenly took out four white short rods from his bag and brought it in front of me. When I looked carefully, there were actually four candles.

Brother Yuan, you must know the rules better than me, if you want to open the coffin soon, I have to ask you to take the lead. This Monarch's Tomb must be filled with mechanisms, maybe there are even Blood Boar Corpses inside. Mao Tou said as he placed candles at the four corners of the coffin. The candles must have been dipped in water just now, so there was no way they could be lit right now.

I wondered where it was and how it had happened so quickly, but I had no idea how to explain it to him and had to let him go. I looked around and found that we were in an enormous underground space. The sarcophagus was located in the middle and its surroundings were completely straight. It was obvious that it had been artificially excavated and one could only vaguely see from the top that it was at least twenty to thirty meters tall.

"Enough!" Mao Tou cheered. I turned my head and saw a lighted candle placed on each corner of the coffin.

I was just about to explain to him that I really wasn't a tomb robber and that my understanding of tomb robbers was even worse than his. He had at least seen a ghost light before, so I could only flip through a few chapters of tomb robbers' notes. But right at this moment, a splash sound came out from the pond, I turned my head and saw San Mao and the Daoist coming out of the water, I gasped heavily for breath.

I was elated and hastily shouted and waved at them. The moment they appeared, they saw me. I quickly ran down the stairs and pulled the two of them onto the shore.

The two of us landed on the shore, still in a state of shock. They lay prone on the shore, panting heavily while staring at the waterfall that had washed us down. I knew they were watching to see if those two "Black and White Impermanence" would also be washed over by the water. According to their previous attitude of "not giving up on us", there didn't seem to be any reason for them to stop in their tracks.

I took another look around with my flashlight. Although the cave was huge, I could see everything. There was no other way out except this waterfall.

He could only fight it out with the f * * k! I thought to myself as I took out the Belle's survival knife, which I had just carved, and drew it out of its scabbard, holding it back in my hand. Seeing me like that, San Mao didn't say anything, he only stood up and nodded, then took out a police baton from his bag. With a "pa" sound, he shook it off and stood shoulder to shoulder with me. He trembled as he looked around, wanting to pick up something to protect himself, but the stone cave was extremely neat and tidy. Other than the pool, the other parts of the cave were stone surfaces, as if it was a space forcibly dug out from the center of a large stone.

"Daoist leader, go to our back!" I said in a deep voice. Although this old fellow knows a lot of things, he can be considered to be resourceful. However, his body really isn't good. If they were to fight, it would be good if he didn't cause any trouble.

The Taoist's face was ashen. He sighed as he obediently walked behind us. Just then, Mao Tou walked down the stairs with a foot long dagger in his hand. According to his height, it looked like a treasured sword.

"You really make big swords!" San Mao scolded while laughing, causing everyone present to laugh. With this smile, the extremely nervous atmosphere instantly relaxed. The fear towards the living dead in my heart also dissipated by more than half.

"Remember, hit their heads!" San Mao shouted: "Don't be afraid, the four of us, the two of them, won't be able to beat them!"

With San Mao's boost of strength, the last remaining trace of fear in my heart was driven away. I only felt a rush of hot blood rushing to my head.

Mao Tou also cried out, "Kill these two black and white dumplings, take the things inside the ancient tomb, we'll be rich!"

The four of us stood by the pool, our muscles tensed up as we waited for the Black and White Impermanence to rush down from the waterfall and fight to the death. But something very unexpected happened, and then the waterfall suddenly stopped!

It was as if someone had turned off the valve upstream. The gurgling sound of the water suddenly stopped, and the cave immediately became quiet. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound under our feet, and then the water in the pool in front of us also started to roll and spin. After a while, a huge whirlpool appeared on the surface, as if someone had pressed a button on the toilet. The water level dropped rapidly, and in just one or two minutes, the pool water disappeared without a trace in front of us.

The entire pool was exposed. Under the light of the flashlight, the pool reflected a dark green luster, which was a thick layer of moss. Beneath the moss, there seemed to be a very deep hole, and we could hear the sound of the water flowing away from us.

"This …" I swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty. I was completely stunned by the supernatural phenomenon before me. I wanted to say something but I didn't know where to start.

"Did you encounter some kind of trap?" Mao Tou said in a daze.

At this time, the Taoist was in high spirits, like a mouse that had just moved out of the water. He looked left and right, and finally walked down to the bottom of the pool. After observing for a long time, he picked up some moss and took a sniff.

"This should be a geyser!"

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