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At this time, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness in the stomach of Venerable Di has recovered …

“En!? This … where ?!”

Chu Yan, who was full of doubts, found herself in a claustrophobic space. All four directions in all directions were full of smelly aura.

Moreover, all around are corrosive liquids, which are disgusting.

What makes Chu Yan’s face even more sullen is that these corrosive liquids and odors are madly corroding his body protection.

Zi … Zi … zi!

The strong corrosive liquid, contacting Chu Yan’s body protection gang yuan, zi zi sounds, quickly corroding Chu Yan body protection gang yuan, consuming extremely fast.

In Qi Sea, ten or six inner cores are running wildly, constantly replenishing the consumed body protection gang yuan, but this is less than ten breaths time, and the True Qi gang yuan contained in one of the inner cores has been completely consumed. Exhausted.

At this rate, without 5 minutes of time, Chu Yan ’s True Qi will run out. When the time comes, without body protection astral qi, can your own Fleshy body resist these corrosive liquids and gases?

At this point, Chu Yan did not dare to try it, but it was a fate!

Although Chu Yan Rakshasa Space still has a lot of 9 Xuan Golden Pill, which can supplement the consumed True Qi, but at the current consumption rate, even 9 Xuan Golden Pill, it is impossible to do so quickly to add True Qi, because, the digestion of medical power also takes time.

“This … is in trouble!”

Chu Yan’s face started, his ten absolute swords shone suddenly, and when he lifted his hand, he cut out a sword.

Boom … Rumble!

4 all directions are all corrosive liquids, and the sword light you cut out is extremely powerful. However, just like being in the sea and wielding a sword to attack the waves, even if this layer of waves is repelled, the next layer is immediately Coming up again …

Even the sword light chopped by Chu Yan, rushing out of the zhang distance, is also directly corroded by these corrosive liquids, just like the melting of ice and snow, it will soon be annihilated!

“Fuck! This …”

By now, Chu Yan finally knew that he was in big trouble, and suddenly his face fiercely sank.


With a big wave of Chu Yan’s hand, the myriad beasts of the mountain and river came out in the sky. Under the guidance of Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, he directly rushed into the corrosive liquid of all around …


With the myriad beasts map of mountains and rivers, coming into contact with those corrosive liquids, a faint five-colored cloud of light emerged from the myriad beasts maps of mountains and rivers, all the corrosive liquids were resisted.

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness also clearly sensed that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in the myriad beasts of the mountains and rivers is rapidly surging, turning into multi-colored light, becoming a supplementary source to resist these corrosive liquids. .

With the continuous Qi supplement, Spirit mountain myriad beasts suspended in the middle of the corrosive liquid have not suffered any damage at all.

You know, the mountain and river myriad beasts is a Space-Time Spirit Treasure, with a small world of nearly 100000000 million miles, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power is abundant, even if surrounded by these corrosive liquids, it is simply impossible for the mountain and river myriad beasts in a short time. All the Heaven and Earth Spirit Power in the picture are quickly consumed.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan turned into a streamer and disappeared directly in the myriad beasts of the mountain and river.


Entering the myriad beasts of the mountain and river, Chu Yan only felt the monstrous pressure of all around, suddenly loosened, and suddenly relaxed.

“Fuck, old monster …”

After Chu Yan stabilized his mind, he only thought for a while and realized that he must be in the belly of the Flood Dragon.

“Old monster, even ate me … hmph! Did you digest it !?”

Lightly snorted, Chu Yan glanced away, looking at the world beyond the myriad beasts in the mountains and rivers, brows slightly wrinkle, and began to think about how to get out.

Chu Yan saw that myriad beasts of mountains and rivers were suspended in those corrosive liquids. Although the corroded zi zi sounded, because of the blockage of the 7-color glow, it was not affected by the slightest effect, and it was no big deal!

This myriad beasts picture of mountains and rivers, which I obtained from “Cang Thunder Dao”, comes from out of the ordinary, extremely powerful, and has never let me down. Therefore, Chu Yan believes that in a short time, he is absolutely safe.

It’s just that being in the belly of Flood Dragon is not a good thing. It’s better to get out as soon as possible!

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Yan thought about countermeasures. So, without wasting a trace of time, he sat cross-legged directly in the myriad beasts of the mountain and river, swallowed Golden Pill, and began to adjust interest rates to recover, ready to start.


At this time, in the Bliss Pavilion …

On the ground, a large number of black Blood Temple disciple are repairing buildings, while in the underground World, Lord B is recovering from interest adjustment.

He both hands forming seals, closed his eyes and stared, slowly running monster qi, began to attract Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, into his within the body, and continuously nourish his inner core.

Monster Race inner core is different from Martial Artist’s Qi Sea inner core. When it comes to the cultivation base realm Monster Race powerhouse, most of them are the successful Form Transformation, the Monster Crystal is removed, and the inner core is condensed.

A Monster Race inner core represents all of its own power, relatively speaking, it is more pure and powerful than the inner core in Martial Artist Qi Sea.

In the room, the faint black monster qi 4 was scattered and dispersed …

This incomparable gigantic, comparable to Imperial Palace’s room, gold and jade in glorious splendor, is extremely luxurious, and there are young women who are not young and beautiful, without covering their bodies, seductive and boneless, a great spring scene …

However, the rich black monster qi radiated from the local Lord B, when rolled over the bodies of these women, suddenly, the body of the good spring light, trembling violently, as if losing moisture after the sun exposure, quickly drying up.

But in the blink of an eye, in the room, nearly 100 beautiful and alluring women, all turned into dead bones, and the black monster qi that rolled over them obviously carried a touch of blood energy.


Take back the monster qi, the long exhales one breath saying, the Lord of the Earth slowly opened his eyes, and feel the monster qi full of the body, immediately satisfied with the nodded.

Behind him, there are nearly 100 bones all over the ground, which can’t attract him to look sideways. It can be seen that such a thing is not unusual for him, but ordinary.

It can be seen that the Black Blood Temple has cultivated the secret Martial Artist and how many people have been killed … I am afraid that there are more than 100 10,000 zhang corpse mountains.

“Yi!? What is this …”

The next moment, Venerable Di Yi who has just recovered, his face started, and he whispered.

At the end of his rate adjustment, he subconsciously let go of Divine Consciousness, and in just a moment, he found himself within the body, with one more thing.

Before he swallowed Chu Yan in one bit, he didn’t care at all, and calmed down to cultivate cultivation, just waiting for Chu Yan to turn to ashes.

But now, he found that although Chu Yan has been completely digested, there is one more thing in the body, like a Spirit Treasure!

“This … there is such a strong Spirit Treasure !?”

Dee B is full of doubts and can’t believe it.

You know, he has cultivated enchantment for nearly 10000 years, and there are not 100,000 humans and 80,000 humans swallowed. Powerhouse experts are countless. When swallowed, of course, they will also be swallowed together with Spirit Armament of human Martial Artist and Jade Talisman, but never Never seen that Spirit Treasure of Martial Artist can not be digested in his stomach.

At the next moment, Venerable Di immediately remembered that I had seen a sword of Divine Weapon in Chu Yan’s hand. In an instant, Venerable Di’s face was full of ecstasy.

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