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2 palm glows, direct hits in the air, golden light and silver light blasted at the same time, under the loud noise, the golden colossus collapsed instantly, broke a huge hole in the middle of the body, the whole fist was quickly disintegrated, falling apart …

Silver meteor-like palm glow of 5 colors, rushing through the golden elephant palm glow, there is no sign of slowing down, straight to the blazing sun opposite!


The second loud noise exploded, and the silver man’s fist and silver slammed into the golden spirit Sword in Lieyang’s hands, bursting open.

Suddenly, a violent force, such as a sudden wave of waves, slammed on the blazing sun, and under the imposing force of the anti-shock, the body of the blazing sun was instantly rushed away, like a mortar shell , Just flew straight up to 10,000 zhang distance in the blink of an eye!

There were 10000 people in the audience, all their heads simultaneously shua shua followed the blazing sun body flying to the sky, and turned their heads at the same time …

With 10000 pairs of eyes, they burst out at the same time, their eyes glared off, and their jaws were wide, which could stuff a whole pig Monster Beast!

At this moment, the audience is dead!

“Just now … It was the Sunshine Senior Brother that was flying away !?”

“This … Is this my excessive cultivation yesterday, dazzled !?”

“One … one trick !? One defeated the Lieyang Senior Brother !?”

“Fake…. Fake !? Is Chu Yan a Martial Artist of the Divine Consciousness Illusion Technique attack !? The Illusion Technique attack he just made !?”

“…… ..”

Countless thoughts and guesses, in the almost stagnation of each and everyone’s brain, constantly flashing, the whole square, there are 10000 Tianzong recipes, powerhouse, Elder, etc., all … silly!

This Chu Yan, is it … a monster! ?

Boom … Rumble!

On the far side of the sky, a stream of golden streamers came storming, with extremely fast speed, rubbing the void, and making a sound of 10000 thunder crossing …

“I’m going to kill you!”

The blazing sun was completely angry, like a mad Monster Beast, his eyes were blood red, his murderous aura rushed away, holding a sword of Golden Spirit Sword, rolled up a violent anger, moved towards Chu Yan, rushed!

“Set Heavenly Might Sword Slash!”

Lieyang angry roar, the golden sword in his hand issued 10000 golden lights, the unique skill card, directly cut.

Today, in any case, he will let Chu Yan die here, otherwise, his face will be lost, how can he be in Tianzong in the future?

“Stop it! Not too shameful !?”

At this moment, a very gloomy drink, suddenly sounded …

Above the horizon, a silhouette came from the sky Sect Master Peak, volleying in the sky, a flashing body, then went to the square, raised his hand, waved, and resolved the attack of the strong sun …

At this time, a purple robe with white hair, a pair of triangular eyes, full of haze, no trace of cultivation base True Qi on the whole body, but it made people feel terrified and dared not look directly.

“This person … is very strong!”

Chu Yan was shocked, looking at the white man who appeared suddenly, slightly narrows the eyes….

“Pay respects to ten 3 Elder!”

“Pay respects to ten 3 Elder!”


Everyone saw this white-haired old man, first started together, and then quickly bowed saluted, said.

“Ten … Ten Ten Elder!”

When Lieyang saw the other party, his face suddenly changed, and his voice was trembling.

Within Tianzong, the Sect laws are extremely strict, and it is the elders who control these laws, and this elder is the golden sun elder where he is. Even if he is an Elder direct disciple, see Other Elders, they dare not pass by!

Not far away, Chu Yan was indifferent and chuckled open the mouth and said

“Ten 3 Elder, wouldn’t you also be within Tianzong, kill me !?”

In a word, Shi 3 Elder’s face was more gloomy, looking into Chu Yan’s eyes, all cold ….

What an arrogant medicine, Zong Tian, ​​is so arrogant, obviously speaking that they are Tianzong, taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, if he really takes action against Chu Yan, it is bully the weak, to have no shame!

Looking at Chu Yan, Shi 3 Elder’s eyes flashed in different colors. If he was outside of Sect, he would surely take a shot if he met this Chu Yan, and teach him a good lesson, although Chu Yan is Medicine Sect Sect Master Gong Yuntian direct disciple , Do not tear your face, but a lesson is still possible.


Ten 3 Elder, indulge in self-indulgence, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in the heart, opened the mouth and said

“Of course not, I’m here to inform you that Yao Ye Sir is waiting for you in front, please go!”

After saying this, ten 3 Elder, no longer paid attention to Chu Yan, slowly turned around, looking towards all around the Tianzong discipline and the public Martial Artist, shouted loudly

“Tianzong belongs to him, and no longer can shoot Chu Yan. Those who violate the order, Zong will make a ruling!”

A word fell to the ground, 3 Elder, physique electricity, pulled up, moved towards the main peak in the distance away, obviously, he did not want to stay here for a while.

“Hehe, Sir Ye, it seems that brat is not inferior to Tianzong!”

Chu Yan chuckled and heard clearly that the elder 3 Elder just said “Ye Ye Sir”. In his identity, he also called the demon Ye “Sir”, which can be explained, The demon night’s movement art within Tianzong… .. is extremely high!

But when he stepped into Tianzong, his attitude was arrogant, he went all the way, and even drove back the fierce sun. Other Tianzong disciplines could only stare. These things are probably due to the high status of Yaoye.

Afterwards, Chu Yan moved forward while observing the situation of the sky inside the sect. It didn’t take long for him to reach the mid-mountainside, and on a larger square mid-mountain, Yaoye was waiting with a smile on his face. .

“Haha, Young Lord, you are so amazing …”

Yaoye is still paying for 12 years old boy ’s figure, his face is full of laughter, and his expression is similar to that of ordinary children. When he saw Chu Yan, he rushed over with joy and circulated excitedly around Chu Yan. said with a smile.


This scene suddenly made Chu Yan, who had the same smile on his face, instantly freeze his face …

Because the behavior of Yaoye was just the same as Little White Bear Dangdang. So, at once, Chu Yan reminded him of Little White Bear, who was captured by the Black Blood Temple.

“Young Lord, go … come with me!”

Yao Ye saw Chu Yan’s face changed, thinking he was anxious, so quickly opened the mouth and said.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded, followed behind Yaoyue, moved towards the depths of the large complex of Tianzong!

Just when the silhouette of 2 people disappeared in the depths of the Tianzong building complex, within the Tianzong, a path of Divine Consciousness sound transmission continued to traverse in the sky, and soon, some Tianzong gangsters quietly gathered together … ..

At this time, in the air of Tianzong, a trace of wind and rain aura was faintly diffused!

And Chu Yan, behind Demon Night, hurried all the way, not long after walking, came to a huge palace …

“Young Lord, this is it!”

With a small wave of Yaoye’s hand, the huge palace door slowly opened, and everything in the palace was displayed in front of Chu Yan …

“En!? Spirit Mark with so many lives !?”

With just a glance, Chu Yan’s face suddenly changed, and he looked at the temple with surprise, and countless suspended green life Spirit Mark!

These Spirit Marks are exactly the same as the Spirit Mark aura brought by Red Yan Empire when Chu Yan entered Secret Realm before.

I believe that the role of Spirit Mark in these lives should be similar!

A drop of blood essence, into the Spirit Mark of life, into the Secret Realm or the small World, as long as it is not body and soul destroyed, you can use this little Life Spirit Mark to recast the Fleshy body and come back to life!

However, within this great hall covering an area of ​​100 acres, the entire space in the hall is suspended with densely packed life Spirit Mark, as if there were green stars and endless Star Sea!

Just glance at random, the number is no less than 200000000!

What is Secret Realm Little World, Tianzong will actually send nearly 200000000 million inside the sect disciple, which is too strange! ?

“Young Lord, follow me, Spirit Mark, Mistress’ life, is behind!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s face dull, Yaoye reminded him at the same time, at the same time, stepped into the hall and moved toward the apse, but he didn’t take a glance at Spirit Mark, the life suspended in the hall!

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