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Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Yaoye, his face darkened, hesitated and sighed, and said

“Chu Yan, it’s a long story … Actually, Vast Heaven Continent is much bigger and more complicated than you think!”

Then, Yao Ye and Chu Yan 2 sat down directly in front of the altar and began to talk about the luck of Chu Yan mother, Tianzong, and the entire Vast Heaven Continent!

“Because of his special innate talents, he has been with his younger brother since he was a child, and was chosen by Tianzong Sect Master as a direct disciple. When he grew up in Tianzong and later traveled to continent, he met your father. Actually … Master Say, that was the only time she was happy, except for the birth of you and your big brother … “

“Shortly after the master returned to Tianzong, she disappeared with her master, and never appeared again, except for leaving the life Spirit Mark, and a sentence …”

Speaking of this, Yaoyue was silent, turning her head slowly, looking towards Chu Yan.

“What … words !?” Chu Yan asked with a choked voice.

“Let me protect you and your big brother, never return to Tianzong!”

After Yaoye finished speaking, she let out a long sigh, and the tears in her eyes came out again …

“But … I can’t do it! For ten years, I kept investigating, but the master went there with his Master. Finally, I finally found some clues, so I have been trying hard to cultivate and want to break through Martial Sovereign Realm … .. However, didn’t expect, there is a problem with the master ’s life Spirit Mark. In order to suppress these black qi swallows, I have stayed in the Martial Sovereign Realm for half a three-year period for 3 years, and the cultivation base is still going on. decline……”

“What did you find ?! My mother and her Master went there !?”

Chu Yan stood up from the ground, looking at Yaoye and asked straight.

“No, Young Lord, now, I can’t tell you, unless …”

However, what made Chu Yan didn’t expect is that the demon night who had been extremely respectful to herself, after hearing her own questions, did not hesitate, and directly refused to answer herself.

“Unless what !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Unless, your cultivation base reaches Martial Sovereign Realm, otherwise, tell you that it hurts you … Even if it is Martial Sovereign Realm, it may not be … oh!”

With a sigh, Yaoye slowly lowered her head, her face full of sadness.

“Okay, don’t tell me, I’ll check it myself!”

Chu Yan was shocked when he heard Yaoyue’s words. Then, after suppressing his emotions for a long time, he burst out in an instant and shouted loudly at Yaoyue.

“Don’t you say that mother still has a younger brother? Tell me, he is there …”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Yaoye lifts the head, his face was very hesitant, for a long time, and finally opened his trembling lips, opened the mouth and said

“Your uncle is …”

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, a shocking sound suddenly exploded!

Chu Yan and Yaoye’s faces changed at the same time, and they suddenly looked out of the great hall. The whole great hall mountain was shaking, and it was still about to collapse.

Divine Consciousness of 2 people, like a spider web, quickly moved towards the great hall and spread out, just a moment, it will cover the entire sky Sect Master Peak!

“Not good! Those guys, have to deal with your uncle! They actually dare to do it …”

妖 夜 shouted loudly, a pair of small hands, a sudden wave, a violent monster qi, like a large tide, moved towards 4 all directions, raging open, in the blink of an eye, rushed out of the room, rushed through the corridor, moved towards The great hall is extended …

However, the demon night response is extremely fast, still a step slower!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under several continuous explosions, the entire great hall, without the area wrapped by the power of the demon night, exploded and exploded, a large collapse …

It covers an area of ​​100 mu and stores the great hall of Spirit Mark, all the life of Tianzong. In a moment, it collapsed halfway …

“Fuck! Actually start the Spirit Mark temple first, these guys … courting death!”

On Yao Ye ’s face, endless anger rolled, and between small hands, he continuously shot the Spirit Seal, wrapped his powerful Monster Power, and wrapped Chu Yan in this room where they were, layer by layer …

Bang bang bang !

Through the collapsed temple roof, Chu Yan can clearly see, above 10,000 zhang high above the sky, a dozen silhouettes, void suspension, aura soaring, various fist prints, palm strength, blade light, sword glow, moved towards Chu Yan The half of the “Spirit Mark Sanctuary” where they were not collapsed kept striking down.

Unsatisfactory, because of the defense of Yaoyue, more than a dozen attacks fell on the Monster Power hood. In addition to bursting a dozen groups of skylights, it was impossible to shake the great hall.

“Young Lord, go to Elder’s Pavilion, your uncle is in danger!”

Monster night qi broke out in the body of the monster, one hand supported the defensive cover, and the other hand pulled out a piece of Jade Talisman and threw it to Chu Yan.

“Your uncle is in secluded cultivation, it may take a while. You go to the Elder Pavilion to stop them. If you can’t do it, wake up your uncle!”

In a word, Yaoyue turned to look at the sky, a dozen aura monstrous silhouettes, with both eyes flashed a piece of absolute color, growled

“Leave it to me, as long as I am alive, no one can move the master!”


The voice fell to the ground, Yaoye right hand clenched his fist, suddenly punched out, a blue fist print, as if a meteor, heaven defying rushed, moved towards a dozen silhouettes on the sky burst out!

Boom … Rumble!

Before the blue palm glow bursts into Heaven, it was broken by dozens of silhouettes, exploding the weather waves, and disappeared!


Chu Yan could not have imagined that the cultivation base of Yaoyue had reached the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm, but, at 10,000 zhang altitude, the dozen or so silhouettes were all half-step Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base …

Within Tianzong, the powerhouse as clouds is so horrible!

“Young Lord, let’s go!” Yaoye shouted loudly.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded agreed, and was about to walk away, but the footsteps had just been raised, but his body was stagnant and stopped.

“Five Elements, go!”

Raise your hand a little bit, the ten air of Five Elements shoots from Chu Yan’s eyebrows, like 5 clouds of radiant light, moved towards Yaoyue.

shua shua shua!

5 avenues of Five Elements, rushed into the demon night vest, without flashing …

next moment, Monster Night Qi, like a volcano erupting monster qi, headed straight to the Vault of Heaven!

“Ha ha ha, it was restored, my strength, it was restored … many thanks Young Lord!”

Yaoye laughed loudly, the monster qi in the whole body was turbulent, and suddenly rose, the imposing manner was monstrous, compared with a dozen people on the sky, it was obviously a lot stronger!

“Young Lord, rest assured, I’m fine!”

The night of the demon night went up and down, the battle intent surged, looking at the dozen silhouettes on the sky, with a grinning face.

“it is good!”

Hearing the night of the demon night, Chu Yan nodded, body flashed, according to the map from the night of demon night in Sea of ​​Consciousness, moved towards Elder Pavilion.

Just now, Chu Yan only gave out 5 “Five Elements” to Yaoye. He was worried that he just used blood essence to suppress the evil aura in Spirit Mark, and the damage was definitely not small. At the same level powerhouse, Chu Yan is certainly not at ease.

But now, with the addition of 5 “Five Elements”, Yaoye has obviously recovered most of it!


Chu Yan is like an electric figure, traveling on the road of Tianzong, the great hall moved towards the main peak, flew away!

There is the core of the power of Heaven Sect … …… Elder Pavilion!

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