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At 10,000 zhang high altitude, Chu Yan flew at a rapid speed, aiming directly at Northern Domain!

According to rumors, the main temple of the Black Blood Temple is in the Northern Domain, occupying half of the mountain range, which is extremely obvious!

Flying at high altitude, Chu Yan took out Golden Pill to swallow and began to recover True Qi.

Starting a battle with Ruan Tiankun, on the occasion of life and death, all battle strength broke out, consuming nearly 90% of True Qi Gang Yuan.

Although after the war, Golden Pill has been swallowed to recover, but because True Qi consumption exceeds 30% of the normal limit, even Qi Sea is almost stagnant, so recovery is slow!

Feeling that the medical power had melted away within the body, pouring into Qi Sea, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered slightly, and after a little deep pondering, he took out a piece of Jade Talisman and heard a 1000 mile sound transmission.

“Ray Martial Sovereign, under Chu Yan, can I go to the Black Blood Temple main hall now?”

The object of Chu Yan sound transmission is the master of Heavenly Mountain, Lei Tianyou Martial Sovereign… ..

Originally, two people agreed to go to the Black Blood Temple, and there are still about ten days. Chu Yan is in a rage. There is no need to wait any longer. Anyway, everything is gone, except for the need to go back to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. He happened to kill Black Blood Temple.

However, Chu Yan is not a reckless person. Of course he knows that with his current cultivation base, a person kills the Black Blood Temple main hall. There are some dangers. If there is Ray Martial Sovereign, it will be 10000. !

“Chu Yan !? The agreed period is still ten days away. I am on my way back to Central Heaven Continent. I can’t go now. You still follow the original agreed period. After ten days, see the Northern Domain bloody mountain range ….”

Soon, Chu Yan received a message from Lei Martial Sovereign, suddenly complexion sank, extremely disappointed!

Immediately, Chu Yan’s figure slowly stagnate, suspended in the air, wrinkled his eyebrows …

Soon, Chu Yan pupil light lit up, swept his head and swept all around, recognized the direction for a while, and moved towards the Eastern domain.

On the sky, a silhouette passed by, Chu Yan had just left, and Yaoye rushed to the place where Chu Yan had just stopped.

“Lying trough! The speed of the Young Lord, how can it be so fast! I have been chasing Martial Sovereign Realm for half a step, and I have been chasing for so long … yi! I’m flying east again!


a azure light flashed, Yaoye chased behind Chu Yan, moved towards the Eastern domain …

……… ..

Central Heaven Continent, East Territory, East Pole mountain range.

The eastern pole mountain range is a very special mountain range. In the eastern region of Central Heaven Continent, there are few plains, and there are many mountain ranges. Among them, within the range of 1,000,000 li near the north of the eastern region, almost all are continuous mountains and seas. Among them, the most famous, but the eastern mountain range.

The eastern pole mountain range is famous because of the famous Central Heaven Continent… .. East Pole City!

This city, rich in various treasures and materials related to Monster Beast, is the most complete place on the Central Heaven Continent, beast type Spirit Treasure and materials.

Because of the backing of 1,000,000 li mountain range, a large number of Martial Artists are gathered in the East Pole City. On the one hand, cultivation base is raised to improve cultivation base. At the same time, Monster Beast is killed to gain wealth …

This East Pole city, within Antiquity Eight Sects, almost all major powerhouses know that this is the city to which Black Blood Temple belongs!

The Black Blood Temple East Domain Headquarters is located at a distance of less than 100 li from the city ….. extremely east mountain range!

In the past 100 years, with the rapid rise of the Black Blood Temple on the Vast Heaven Continent, among the many cities controlled by this Black Blood Temple, the top 3 ranked East City in the East has become more and more popular, gathering more than ten 100000000 million ordinary people. 100000000 million Martial Artist.

Because of the shelter of the Black Blood Temple, this city has been extremely safe for 100 years. Therefore, Martial Artists from all over the world have been attracted to come here for a long time. At the same time, it is also the main hall of the East Region of the Black Blood Temple beyond 100 li. Provides the discipline.

After several decades of development, the East Hall has more than 30,000,000 recipes, and the momentum is huge!

At this time, the East Hall, the main hall square …

An Elder wearing a black robe is holding a new core disciple entrance ceremony!

This black robe Elder, named Blood Robe, is the Great Elder of the Eastern Hall of the Eastern Region, presiding over the entire core disciple entrance to the palace ceremony!

“From today on, you formally become the core disciple of the Black Blood Sanctuary, with God ’s will as the highest goal. Even if we sacrifice our unclean fleshy body, we will not hesitate any enemies who dare to desecrate the Holy Light of God. , Be ruthless! “

The blood robe Great Elder spoke slowly. On the huge altar behind him, the blood-stained Spirit Mark exuded the enchanting rays of light, spilling in front of it for nearly 100,000 Martial Artist …

Looking at the piece of Martial Artist in front of him, his eyes began to change to a light red, and the blood robe was satisfied.

This kind of ceremony is carried out every 6 months, making the Eastern Temple more and more powerful!

Although these Martial Artists come to a variety of messy places and forces, as long as they are baptized by the black blood sacrifice altar, they will all become the most faithful to the temple.

This kind of Sect brainwashing, in fact, each Great Sect also has its own means, but the degree is only different, and those powerful Sects are not contempt for brainwashing ordinary disciple, only for those who need to control the important resources of Sect brainwashing.

Because this baptism that affects the Martial Artist Divine Soul will affect the Martial Artist Late Stage Martial Dao cultivation road.

Right now, the blood robe is in the black blood temple, like the sun at high noon, and won the appreciation of the elders in the main hall. Among the main halls, the Eastern Temple has always been the most important hall for the temple. one.

The ceremony was completed quickly, and the nearly 100,000 Martial Artist who had just returned to the confusion, slowly, lightly red eyes, gradually light up.

“The temple is 10000 years old! The temple is continent!”

“The temple is 10000 years old! The temple is continent!”

“The temple is 10000 years old! The temple is continent!”


In an instant, in the square, 100,000 people shouted their arms, the waves soared, and the whole sky shook!

“good very good!”

black robe smiled, nodded with great pride, turned slowly …

The ceremony has been completed, he is ready to go back to the hall and enjoy it!

However, at this moment, above the sky, a shrill scream, a broken sky sounded, and a black streamer flew from the lightning to the Eastern Temple.

“Black Blood Temple, all get out … die!”

A thunderbolt-like roar, 9th Layer sound, sound waves visible to naked eye, like water ripples, sweeping around 10 li… ..

At this moment, all the Elder and discipline in the Eastern Temple looked up, and Sea of ​​Consciousness was in chaos, completely utterly ignorant!

Blood robe complexion greatly changed, suddenly looked up …

I saw above the head, 1000 zhang high sky, a black robe boy, standing in the sky, aura Chongxiao, dashing eyebrows star eyes, murderous aura.

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

The blood robe Great Elder suddenly looked horrified and shouted in silence.

A few days ago, Chu Yan destroyed the Black Blood Temple “Kek Lok Pavilion” and killed a Sir of the Black Blood Temple, Lord B …

Since then, Chu Yan ’s portraits and spiritual breath projections have spread throughout the Central Heaven Continent of all the Black Blood Temple ’s branch halls in just 3 days.

They also received a command when they received the portrait and spiritual projection of Chu Yan!

at all costs, kill… Chu Yan!

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