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Over 1000 attacks blasted on the body protection astral qi barrier of Yaoye, and burst into countless air bursts …

Chu Yan and Yaoyue, who were inside the astral qi barrier, seemed to be completely swallowed by their energy.

“Um hmph!”

Monster qi is running wildly on Yaoye, and he is supporting the Gang Yuan hood, but the anti-shock force of the first 1000 attacks poured into him within the body, or let him within the body qi and blood burst for a while Up, under a groan, relying on the powerful Monster Power to directly suppress the qi and blood reversing qi!

“Fuck, this won’t work. I can’t hold it for a few thousand attacks and can’t hold it a few times!”

At the next moment, Yaoye’s eyes burst into flames, his face was low, and he groaned slightly. He turned his hands over and took out a horn-shaped Spirit Treasure, True Qi quickly poured into it.

This horn is the horn that fell out of his body when he was a child, and was later refined into a Spirit Treasure by himself, capable of attacking and defending, and formidable power is extremely strong!


With a big wave of Yaoye ’s hand, the horns of a dazzling azure light burst into the sky, and the volume skyrocketed, moved towards Chu Yan ’s body straight down, completely covering Chu Yan …

From a distance, it looks like a huge azure horn with a height of more than ten feet on the ground!

“Okay! With it, you should be able to withstand it for a while, hmph! You bastard, let you beat me just now! Roar …”

Yaoye suddenly looked up and looked at the sky, a large swath of black Blood Temple powerhouse swooped down suddenly, with a grin, loudly roared, and turned into an Azure Ox Monster Beast body, 4 hoofs stepped heavily on the ground, Like a hill, rise up!

Boom … Rumble!

A few huge zhang high huge Azure Ox, like a cannonball, heaven defying up, rushed straight to the Martial Artist crowd in the Black Blood Temple!

The huge figure crashed into the layers of the void, and the sound of muffled thunder came out, mighty sky!

“die for me !”

Demon Night roared, with both eyes, azure, such as 2 Limangs, shot straight out, and swept into the Martial Artist crowd!

ah! Ah … ahh ah!

2 azure eyes, like 2 azure long spears, stabbed by azure light and hit the powerhouse, bursting like a balloon, bursting into the sky and flesh, 4 scattered shots …

Several 1000 black Blood Temple, see this scene, suddenly complexion greatly changed, didn’t expect, the strength of this demon night, it was so strong.

Buzz … Buzz …!

However, in their stunned time, 2 azure pupil light, but swept left and right, in the Martial Artist crowd, frantically strangled the Martial Artists who were preparing to run away.

After all, these people are all Martial Venerable Realm cultivation bases. In the face of a half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse blow, fundamentally impossible to resist!

“Mother! Run away …”

“He is Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, he is very strong, everyone will soon come apart!”

“Hurry up, everyone can join forces to fight him!”

“Lying trough! Half-step Martial Sovereign Monster Beast, comparable to the lower Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, this is too strong!”

“Whether to escape or fight …?”


The sudden crit of Yaoye suddenly left the Martial Artist group in chaos, and some shouted to flee, some shouted to fight back, completely stunned!

“Everyone dispersed first and attacked in groups! The elders in the temples were responsible for leading the team!”

Among the panicked crowd, a black robe old man shouted loudly …

As his roar sounded, all the Black Blood Temple Martial Artists who had just fled like headless flies suddenly stabilized their positions and began to orderly gather together …

“Hmph! Courting death!”

Seeing this scene in Yaoye, face turned cold, body flashed, body flashed, moved towards a crowded place, rushed straight away …

Then, on the 10,000 zhang sky, a thrilling battle began directly!


At this moment, on the ground, the all around of the Spirit Treasure of the horns suddenly burst out a force of rumbling sound out of thin air, and this force, like a shock wave, moved towards 4 all directions, rippling like ripples !

As this force swept through, all around Heaven and Earth, all Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, as if by some mysterious index, began crazyly moved towards the huge azure, the horns Spirit Treasure gathered, and the horns Spirit Treasure In, it is Chu Yan!

“En!? What happened !?”

Suddenly, as soon as the accident happened, Mantian Powerhouse started Qiqi and asked in horror.

Everyone was stunned, brows slightly wrinkle, looking towards the ground, the Spirit Treasure, which was more then 10 zhang high.

I saw that the sky above the horns of azure, the endless Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, formed a huge Spirit Power vortex, and the violent Heaven and Earth Spirit Power on all four directions, all followed the vortex and were involved in the horn Spirit Within Treasure.

“This … This seems to be near the horns, what is madly devouring Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, if it is not bad, it should be Chu Yan who made it!”

The black Blood Temple old man, headed by, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“What !? Chu Yan !? He is just a Heavenspan Realm cultivation base, how could he make Heaven and Earth Spirit Power resonate !?”

The other powerhouse next to him had a look of surprise. Immediately, his face suddenly started, his eyes were round, and he looked at the old man in shock.

“Is he … breaking soon !?”

Hearing this, the old man led by the Black Blood Temple, a different color flashed in his eyes, a moment, slowly nodded and said, “I am afraid … this guy, innate talent is really amazing! However, I heard that a few days ago, he Only Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer cultivation base, breakthrough Martial Venerable Realm… .. this is unlikely !? ”

“This …! Is there an opportunity, otherwise, he also killed all of our Eastern Temple temples impossiblely, and did not run away, staying in place waiting for us to come!”

“This … is in trouble!” Old man nodded, gazing tightly at the huge horn, suddenly an unpredictable hunch in his heart!

Between the conversation between two people, the Spirit Power resonance between Heaven and Earth is getting stronger and stronger!

One after another The Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, which is extremely extreme, reveals the void and keeps moving towards the vortex on the Spirit Treasure of the horns.

From a distance, almost half of the mountain range is covered by this huge Heaven and Earth Spirit Power vortex, which is extremely spectacular!

The changes between Heaven and Earth become stronger and stronger with the continuation of time. Later, the sky is full of different colors and streamers, like a patch of rainbow clouds, constantly sweeping from the sky …

More and more Heaven and Earth Spirit Power poured into the Spirit Treasure of the horn, followed by a magnificent aura, like a 10000 ancient Ominous Beast waking up suddenly, a powerful and terrifying aura, making the sky full of powerhouse, Fiercely trembling!

“This … this aura is not like Heavenspan Realm at all, or even Martial Venerable Realm … when I broke Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base 100 years ago, even this 1% of aura was not ah!”

A black Blood Temple powerhouse, muttered with doubts on his face.

“Can’t wait any longer. Everyone is going to do it. Half of them are entangled with the demon cow, and others are attacking that horn Spirit Treasure!”

The Black Blood Temple Elder, who led the team, was finally unable to bear. True Qi changed his voice and roared loudly.

“As you bid!”

“As you bid!”


This roar awakened everyone, and at the same time, several 1000 black Blood Temple powerhouses, divided into two, who were instructed, moved towards the night of the demon night on the sky and Chu Yan on the ground, rushed away!

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